Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
Multi-modal Corpora

Gleiche Seite in deutsch

This page was last updated 2014-07-10

Aside from the audio signal multi-modal coprora contain additional channels (modalities) of communication, eg. video signal of the face, the body, etc.

SmartKom (Revalidation Report)

Example of a SmartKom Public Recording (AVI, 320MB)
ww406_pxg; SK Public; g-track: face, lateral, system output + SIVIT, SIVIT (infrared); domain: hotel, fax, phone, restaurant, navigation.
Transkript w406_px.trl
Recording Protocol w406_px.rpr
Speaker Protocol AJK.spr

Download G track videos of all SmartKom recordings

Selected technical documents:

References of corpus production:

References of Corpus Users:


Note that there exist two other SmartWeb corpora containing speech only: BAS SHC and BAS SMC.

Sign Language


Copyright © 1995 Bayerisches Archiv für Sprachsignale, Universität Müchen
This page and all other pages with the initial 'BAS' or 'Bas' in the filename may be copied, printed and distributed to other parties, under the condition that the pages are distributed as shown here. Parts of pages or extended pages may not be distributed further without permission of the BAS.

Florian Schiel