Maria-Josep Solé*, Ronald Sprouse# and John Ohala# * Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain # Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley This talk explores how ways to facilitate voicing in obstruents have made their way into the phonology resulting in different cross-linguistic patterns. The relative difficulty of maintaining voicing during a stop has been the object of extensive investigation (e.g., Ohala 1983; Westbury and Keating 1986) and is at the origin of the 'aerodynamic voicing constraint' (AVC) by which obstruents tend to devoice in a few tens of ms. in the absence of additional articulatory maneuvers. Maintaining vocal fold vibration during the obstruent constriction is crucial in languages which use this cue (i.e., prevoicing) to signal the voicing contrast in obstruents. A number of articulatory maneuvers may be used (singly or in combination) to accommodate the air flowing through the glottis, and thus prolong vocal fold vibration during the stop closure, for example, active expansion of the oral cavity --by lowering the larynx or relaxing the walls of the supraglottal cavity--, nasal leakage, oral leakage, or diminishing the airflow into the oral cavity by increasing the tension of the vocal folds (Rothenberg 1968; Ohala 1976; Ohala and Riordan 1979; Westbury 1983; Svirsky et al. 1997). Languages (or dialects) may differ in the articulatory adjustments used to avert obstruent devoicing and sustain vocal fold vibration, and such differences give rise to cross-linguistic phonological patterns. We will review a number of sound patterns reflecting the phonologization of a variety of articulatory adjustments. Specifically, we will explore (1) nasal leakage giving rise to emergent nasals in an oral context and the preservation of the voicing contrast exclusively postnasally; (2) larynx lowering and implosivization of stops; (3) tongue-tip retraction and tongue body lowering, in the case of apical stops, leading to retroflexion; (4) oral leakage (due to reduction in magnitude and/or time of the closure gesture) and the spirantization of stops. We will illustrate these processes with physiological data and aerodynamic modeling. Experimental data on the effect of oral pressure variations (e.g., due to oral cavity expansion) on voicing initiation and continuation will be presented. Aerodynamic modeling allows us to simulate articulatory adjustments and observe the associated aerodynamic effects on voicing in order to test the validity of our claims. The aerodynamic processes leading to the observed data (and phonological patterns) have been modeled using Sprouse's (2008) aerodynamic model (a Matlab implementation of Ohala's (1976) model). Even though the model does not yet include vocal fold vibration, it can indicate when the critical level for voicing is reached. Finally, it is argued that many cross-linguistic patterns emerge from the different ways languages deal with physiological and acoustic-auditory constraints.