Simple Allophonic Differences

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The English words "pill" and "lip" have the same phonemes in reverse order. However, it is not possible to create one from the other by time-reversal (i.e. like running a tape backwards). This is most obvious for the /l/ sounds: dark in "pill" and light in "lip". The /p/ sounds are also different (aspirated in "pill" and unreleased in "lip"), though this does not come out so clearly in the time-reversed versions.

See Ladefoged (2005, p. 72, recording 8.1) for a similar example.

Normal Time-reversed
emu WebApp
emu WebApp
emu WebApp
emu WebApp

Audio Source:
Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich.

Ladefoged, P. (2005): Vowels and consonants: an introduction to the sounds of languages. Malden: Blackwell.