#This script assumes that greenbergexp_praatscript_1 has already #been run to define the 4 spectral slits #The present script combines two existing signals, # using a shifted version of the second signal #The desired shift value is defined in the variable shiftms # The string variables signal1$ and signal2$ are used # to specify the two signals # Everywhere in the script where the variables occur in single quotes # the current value of the variable is inserted # This script can thus be used to combine band 2 with a shifted version of # band 3, or band 1 and 2 with a shifted version of band 3 and 4, # or even to make a version of the original signal with echo # by setting both signal1$ and signal2$ to "" # # (Note: if you want to apply this script to other signals you will # probably have to change the value of 4.25 in the extract part command # (this is roughly the length of the original signal)) shiftms=75 signal1$="_band_3" signal2$="_band_4" Create Sound from formula... pause'shiftms' Mono 0 'shiftms'/1000 16000 0*x select Sound tec_schumann'signal2$' Copy... tec_schumann'signal2$' select Sound pause'shiftms' plus Sound tec_schumann'signal2$' Concatenate Rename... tec_schumann'signal2$'_shift'shiftms' select Sound tec_schumann'signal1$' plus Sound tec_schumann'signal2$'_shift'shiftms' Extract part... 0 4.25 Rectangular 1 no Combine to stereo Convert to mono Rename... tec_schumann'signal1$''signal2$'shift'shiftms' select Sound tec_schumann'signal1$'_part plus Sound tec_schumann'signal2$'_shift'shiftms'_part plus Sound tec_schumann'signal1$'_part_tec_schumann'signal2$'_shift'shiftms'_part Remove select Sound tec_schumann'signal1$''signal2$'shift'shiftms' Play