Use of real-time MRI in assessment of articulation before and after

tongue surgery and tongue reconstruction

Katalin Mady*; Robert Sader*; Angela Zimmermann* ; Ambros Beer+; Phil Hoole#, H. Zeilhofer*, C. Hannig,+

*Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Technical University, Munich

#Phonetics Institute, Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität, Munich

+Dept. of Radiology, Technical University, Munich

Work supported by the German Research Council

Basic acquisition parameters:

8 frames per second

10mm slice thickness

T1- weighted fast gradient echo sequence with sensitivity encoding (" SENSE"; TR= 4ms, TE= 1. 1ms)

Two QuickTime movies with synchronized audio and sonagram (with rudimentary suppression of machine noise) can be downloaded by clicking on the words below (each film is about 4mB):

Word 1: "Schädel"

Word 2: "lang"

For further details refer to the following:

Mády, K., Sader, R., Zimmermann, A., Hoole, P., Beer, A., Zeilhofer, H., & Hannig, C. (2001). "Use of real-time MRI in assessment of consonant articulation before and after tongue surgery and tongue reconstruction". In: B. Maassen, W. Hulstijn, R. Kent, H. Peters, P. van Lieshout (eds.) "Speech motor control in normal and disorderd speech", pp.142-145. 4th International Speech Motor Conference, Nijmegen. [PDF version (400kB)]

Mády, K., Sader, R., Zimmermann, A., Hoole, P., Beer, A., Zeilhofer, H., & Hannig, C. (2002). "Assessment of Consonant Articulation in Glossectomee Speech by Dynamic MRI".Proc. ICSLP 2002, Denver. [PDF version (600kB)]