Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
Alcohol Language Corpus - ALC

Last Update: 2011-09-30 -- gleiche Seite in deutsch


ALC contains recordings of speakers that are either intoxicated or sober. The type of speech ranges from read single digits to full conversation style. Recordings were done during drinking test where speakers drank beer or wine to reach a self-chosen level of alcoholic intoxication. The actual level of intoxication was measured by breath alcohol and blood samples taken immediately before the speech recording. Recordings were performed in two standing automobiles to ensure a constant acoustic environment across the different recording locations; both, the intoxicated and sober condition recording were done in the same car and supervised by the same investigator (dialogue partner). In the intoxicated state 30 items were sampled from each speaker (set A), while in the sober state 60 items were recorded (set NA; set A being a subset of set NA).

Numbers in 2010-12-08 (final edition 2.0):

Corpus documentation

Prompt Lists


Schiel, F., Heinrich, Chr., Barfüßer, S., Gilg, Th. (2008). ALC - Alcohol Language Corpus. In: Proc. of LREC 2008, Marrakesch, Marokko.

Schiel, F.; Heinrich, Chr. (2009). Laying the Foundation for In-car Alcohol Detection by Speech. In: Proc. of the INTERSPEECH 2009, Brighton, UK, pp. 983-986.

Schiel F, Heinrich Chr, Barfüßer S, Gilg Th (2010): Alcohol Language Corpus - a publicly available large corpus of alcoholized speech. IAFPA Annual Conference 2010, Trier, Germany.

Barfüßer S, Schiel F (2010): Disfluencies in alcoholized speech. IAFPA Annual Conference 2010, Trier, Germany.

Baumeister B, Schiel F (2010): On the Effect of Alcoholisation on Fundamental Frequency. IAFPA Annual Conference 2010, Trier, Germany.

Schiel F, Heinrich Chr, Neumeyer V (2010): Rhythm and Formant Features for Automatic Alcohol Detection. Proc. of the INTERSPEECH 2010, Chiba, Japan, pp. 458-461.

Schiel F, Heinrich Chr, Barfüßer S (2012): Alcohol Language Corpus. In: Language Resources and Evaluation 46(3), Springer New York Heidelberg, 503-521.

Schuller B, Steidl S, Batliner A, Schiel F, Krajevski J (2011): The Interspeech 2011 Speaker State Challenge. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3201-3204.

Schiel F (2011): Perception of Alcoholic Intoxication in Speech In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3281-3284.

Hönig F, Batliner A, Nöth E (2011): Does it Groove or Does it Stumble - Automatic Classification of Alcoholic Intoxication Using Prosodic Features. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3225-3228.

Elif Bozkurt, Engin Erzin, Cigdem Eroglu Erdem, A.Tanju Erdem (2011): RANSAC-based Training Data Selection for Speaker State Recognition. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3293-3296.

Dong-Yan Huang, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Zhengchen ZhangDong-Yan Huang, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Zhengchen Zhang (2011): Speaker State Classification Based on Fusion of Asymmetric SIMPLS and Support Vector Machines. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3301-3304.

Albino Nogueiras Rodríguez (2011): An HMM-Based Approach to the INTERSPEECH 2011 Speaker State Challenge. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3298-3301.

Stefan Ultes, Alexander Schmitt, Wolfgang Minker (2011): Attention, Sobriety Checkpoint! Can Humans Determine by Means of Voice, if Someone is Drunk and can Automatic Classifiers Compete? In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3221-3224.

Fadi Biadsy, William Yang Wang, Andrew Rosenberg,Julia Hirschberg (2011): Intoxication Detection using Phonetic, Phonotactic and Prosodic Cues. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3209-3212.

Tobias Bocklet, Korbinian Riedhammer, Elmar Nöth (2011): Drink and Speak: On the automatic classification of alcohol intoxication by acoustic, prosodic and text-based features. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3213-3216.

Rok Gajsek, Simon Dobrisek, France Mihelic (2011): University of Ljubljana System for Interspeech 2011 Speaker State Challenge. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3297-3300.

Claude Montacie, Marie-Jose Caraty (2011): Combining Multiple Phoneme-based Classifiers with Audio Feature-based Classifier for the Detection of Alcohol Intoxication. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3205-3208.

Daniel Bone, Matthew P. Black, Ming Li, Angeliki Metallinou, Sungbok Lee, Shrikanth S. Narayanan (2011): Intoxicated Speech Detection by Fusion of Speaker Normalized Hierarchical Features and GMM Supervectors. In: Proc. of the Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 3217-3220.

Audio examples

Recording Headset Intoxicated 0071007016_h_00
[v2] die K"ochin mit dem -/#Tufenk/- -/#tu/- -/#topf/- <"ah> -/#Tupfenkoch/- <P> Tupfenkopftuch kocht Karpfen in dem Kupferkochtopf
Recording Headset Sober 0072009036_h_01
[v0] die K"ochin mit dem Tupfenkopftuch kocht Karpfen in dem Kupferkochtopf

Availability and Costs

Without restrictions usable (except distribution to third parties).
Alcohol Language Corpus - ALC
8 DVD-R Iso 9660 + Shipping
Scientific EUR 1.020,00 (ELRA Members EUR 510,00) + VAT
Commercial EUR 1.020,00 (ELRA Members EUR 510,00) + VAT

(VAT does not apply for overseas orders and non-German, within EU orders)

Questions and orders to:

Florian Schiel