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Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
c/o Institut für Phonetik, Universität München
Schellingstr. 3 / II
80799 München
Tel.: +49-89-2180-2758
Fax: +49-89-2180-5790
The Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals (BAS) is a public institution hosted by the University of Munich founded with the aim of making speech resources of contemporary spoken German available to research and speech technology communities via a maximally comprehensive digital speech-signal database. Speech material will be structured in a manner allowing flexible and precise access, with rich annotations, metadata and linguistic-phonetic evaluation forming an integral part of it.
In addition, BAS will develop its own tools for automatic recording, linguistic processing, labelling and segmentation, making the results available via public domain software packages and/or web services.
BAS was entrusted by the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF) with the task of maintaining both existing and future databases set up within funded projects by the BMBF, and of exporting them (after any restrictions on availability have expired) within the EU as well as to the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC). Imported databases are to be converted by BAS to a standardized form (CMDI), enabling them to be expoited in all BMBF- funded speech projects for a fraction of the cost and effort usually incurred.
The second goal consists in the long term development of a (more or less) Complete Phonetic Theory (CPT) of spoken German. For this endeavour, the central category will no longer be the speech sound but rather the word as the lexically given unit. The great variability characterizing the pronunciation of words in running speech as opposed to citation form will be systematically documented and related to the communicative information content.
Since June 20th 2013 the BAS is a lizenced CLARIN Center of type B; the CLARIN centers throughout Europe share the same principles and standards as the BAS to maximize inter-operability in the future.
The BAS is keen to cooperate with all institutions in the German speaking area interested in contributing to the common goal. Most of the projects will be financed by interested partners in industry, by public grants or by European projects.
The BAS produces speech resources either by public funding or industrial cooperations. Speech resources funded exclusively by public money are available without restrictions immediately after the release for everybody. Industrial partners that have significantly contributed to the production of the resource are granted a period of one year after the release to exploit the data exclusively. After that period the resource is distributed via the BAS either unrestricted or under license.
Florian Schiel received his Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees from the Technical University in Munich in 1990 and 1993 respectively, both in electrical engineering. Since 1993 he has been with the Institute of Phonetics, University of Munich, participating various large BMB+F projects. His main interests are: speaker charcteristics, German phonetics, computational phonology, automatic analysis of very large speech corpora.