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Curriculum vitae:
FLORIAN SCHIEL received his Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees from the Technical University in Munich in 1990 and
1993 respectively, both in electrical engineering. His doctoral thesis deals with automatic speaker adaptation
in ASR. Since 1993 he was mainly affiliated to the Institute of Phonetics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Munich (LMU), leading the German VERBMOBIL, SmartKom, BITS and SmartWeb project groups. In 1994 and 1997 he
spent 6 months each as a research fellow at the
International Computer Science Institut (ICSI), Berkeley,
California. In 2001 Florian Schiel earned the German 'Habilitation' about the relation of speech technology and
phonology at the philosophical faculty of the LMU and since then holds the chair of Phonetic Speech Processing.
From 1996 to 2010 he acted as founding director of the Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals (BAS) at the LMU
München. In 2005 he founded the spinoff BAS Services Schiel
in Munich, Germany. Currently he is CEO for BAS
Services and is tenured as a senior researcher at the new Institut of Phonetics and Speech Processing at LMU.
In 2009 he initiated the 'Empirical Speech Processing' graduate school at LMU (together with Chr. Draxler). His
present research interests include the analysis and modelling of user specific states based on large data sets,
empirical speech analysis in general, speech corpus production and evaluation, speaker verification and
forensic phonetics.
He is the author/co-author of 4 monographs, 10 journal articles and book chapters, 28
peer-reviewed conference articles and 7 non-scientific books.
Meine hauptsächlichen (fachlichen) Interessen sind:
Meine Online Vorlesungen:
Ein paar allgemeinverständliche Links zu meiner Arbeit:
A paar sonstige WWW pages, die I mog:
Aulasaulalakaula und ist das Wort, das kleine Kinder im mittleren Osten der Antike
'heiligen Männern' hinterher riefen, die - wohl geistig etwas instabil -
verwarlost herumwanderten und lallten.
Verwendet von Thomas Mann in seinem Buch 'Joseph und seine Brüder', das
vermutlich das beste Stück Prosa ist, was die Menschheit bis jetzt hervorgebracht hat
(2. Buch, 1. Hauptstück, 'Von Körper und Geist').
Bayerisches Archiv für Sprachsignale (BAS)