Curriculum vitae:
Hans Tillman was born in 1936 in Dabringhausen, Germany.
He studied at Bonn University (Meyer-Eppler, Ungeheuer) in
Phonetics and Communication Theory and received his PhD in 1963.
From 1963 - 1968 he worked at the 'Institut für
Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik' in Bonn, Germany, mainly in
speech recognition (DAWID I and DAWID II). In 1970 he earned
his 'Habilitation' about individual speaker characteristics in
1971 he followed a call to the University of Munich to conduct the
new 'Institut für Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation'.
Hans Tillmann is founding member of the GAL, and was the first president of the 'Deutschen Gesellschaft für linguistische Datenverarbeitung (GLD).