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Portuguese vowels


Here are the vowel phonemes of Portuguese phonemic inventory classified into oral vowels, nasalized vowels and diphthongs.

Monophthongs: oral

i vi
("saw", 1sg)
emu WebApp
e ve
("see", 3sg)
emu WebApp
emu WebApp
a va
("go", 3sg)
emu WebApp
emu WebApp
o so
("I am")
emu WebApp
u ˈmudu
emu WebApp
ɐ pɐˈgaɾ
("to pay")
emu WebApp
ɯ pɯˈgaɾ
("to grip")
emu WebApp

Monophthongs: nasal

ɪ̃ vɪ̃
("came", 1sg)
emu WebApp
("enter", 1sg)
emu WebApp
ɐ̃ ɐ̃tɾu
emu WebApp
("sound", n)
emu WebApp
emu WebApp

Diphthongs: oral

ɛi ɐˈnɛiʃ
("rings", n)
emu WebApp
ai sai
("go out", 3sg)
emu WebApp
ɐi sɐi
("know", 1sg)
emu WebApp
ɔi mɔi
("grind", 3sg)
emu WebApp
oi ˈmoitɐ
emu WebApp
ui ɐˈnuiʃ
("agree", 2sg)
emu WebApp
iu viu
("saw", 3sg)
emu WebApp
eu meu
("mine", poss m)
emu WebApp
ɛu vɛu
emu WebApp
au mau
("bad", m sg)
emu WebApp

Diphthongs: nasal

ɐ̃i sɐ̃i
emu WebApp
õi ɐˈnõiʃ
("dwarves", m)
emu WebApp
ũi ˈmũitɐ
("much, many", f)
emu WebApp
ɐ̃u mɐ̃u
("hand", n)
emu WebApp

Audio Source:
Illustrations of the IPA.

Image Source:
International Phonetic Association (1999): Handbook of the International Phonetic Association: A Guide To The Use Of The International Phonetic Alphabet. Cambridge University Press.