Publications prior to 2007
J. & Cassidy, S. (1999). Techniques in Speech Acoustics. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Foris,
Dordrecht. ISBN: 0-7923-5731-0.
Harrington, J., and Tabain, M. (2006) Speech Production: Models, Phonetic Processes, and Techniques.
Psychology Press: New York.
S. and Harrington, J. (Editors) (2001). Guest Editors for Special Issue
on Speech Annotation and Corpora. Speech Communication. Vol. 33, 1-174.
peer-reviewed journals
Harrington, J. (2006). An
acoustic analysis of Ōhappy-tensingÕ in the QueenÕs Christmas broadcasts, Journal of
Phonetics. 34 439–457.
Rastle, K., Croot, K.,
Harrington, J., & Coltheart, M. (2005). Characterizing the motor execution
stage of speech production: Consonantal effects on delayed naming latency and
onset duration. Journal
of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31(5), 1083-1095.
Rastle, K., Harrington, J., and Coltheart, M. (2002). 358,534 Nonwords: The ARC nonword database. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2002,55A(4), 1339–1362.
Bird, S. and Harrington,
J. (2001). Speech annotation and corpus tools. Speech Communication, 33, 1-4.
Fletcher, J. and
Harrington, J. (2001). High Rising Terminals and fall-rise tunes in Australian
English. Phonetica,
Cassidy, S. and
Harrington, J. (2001). Multi-level annotation in the Emu
speech database management system. Speech Communication, 33, 61-77.
Harrington, J.,
Palethorpe, S., and Watson, C. (2000). Does the Queen speak the Queen's
English? Nature, 408, 927-928.
Harrington, J.,
Palethorpe, S., and Watson, C. (2000). Monophthongal
vowel changes in Received Pronunciation: an acoustic analysis of the QueenÕs
Christmas Broadcasts. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 63-78.
Watson, C. I., Maclagan,
M., and Harrington J. (2000). Acoustic evidence for vowel change
in New Zealand English. Language Variation and Change, 12, 51-68.
Rastle, K., Harrington,
J., Coltheart, M., Palethorpe, S. (2000). Reading aloud begins when the
computation of phonology finishes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception and Performance, 26, 1178-1191.
Watson, C.I. and
Harrington, J. (1999). Acoustic evidence for dynamic
formant trajectories in Australian English Vowels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
106, 458-468.
C.I., Harrington, J. & Evans, Z. (1998). An acoustic comparison between New
Zealand and Australian English vowels. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 18, 2,
Harrington, J., Cox F.,
and Evans, Z. (1997). An acoustic phonetic study of broad, general, and
cultivated Australian English vowels. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 17, 155-184.
Millar, J., Dermody, P.,
Harrington, J., and Vonwiller, J. (1997). Spoken Language Resources for
Australian Speech Technology. Journal Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Australia, 1, 13-23.
Cassidy, S. &
Harrington, J. (1995). The place of articulation distinction in voiced oral
stops: evidence from burst spectra and formant transitions. Phonetica,
52, 263-284.
Harrington, J., Fletcher,
J. & Roberts, C. (1995). An analysis
of truncation and linear rescaling in the production of accented and unaccented
vowels. Journal
of Phonetics, 23, 305-322.
Harrington, J. (1994) The
contribution of the murmur and vowel to the place of articulation distinction
in nasal consonants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, 19-32.
Harrington, J. &
Cassidy, S. (1994). Target and dynamic
theories of vowel perception: evidence from a large speech corpus. Language &
Speech, 37, 357-373.
Harrington, J., Cassidy,
S., Fletcher, J. and McVeigh, A. (1993). The mu+ system for corpus-based
speech research. Computer Speech & Language, 7, 305-331.
Harrington, J., Watson,
G. & Cooper, M. (1989) Word boundary detection in broad class and phoneme
strings. Computer
Speech & Language, 3, 367-382.
Harrington, J. (1988).
Stuttering, delayed auditory feedback and linguistic rhythm. Journal of Speech
and Hearing Research, 31, 36-47.
Harrington, J. (1988).
Reply to G. Borden's comments (Letter to the editor) Journal of Speech and Hearing Research,
31, 138-140.
Harrington, J. &
Johnstone, A. (1987). The effects of equivalence classes on parsing phonemes
into words in continuous speech recognition. Computer Speech & Language, 2,
contributions to books
Harrington, J. & Tabain, M. (2006). Introduction. In J. Harrington & M. Tabain (Eds.), Speech
Production: Models, Phonetic Processes, and Techniques. Psychology Press:
New York.
Harrington, J. & Mooshammer, C. (2006). Speech Production.
In Keith Brown (ed.) Encyclopedia
of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. ISBN 0-08-044299-4.
Harrington, J.
(2005) Phonetics. In P. Strazny (Ed.)
of Linguistics. Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York: Routledge, (ISBN:
Harrington, J. (2005).
Spectral analysis. In P. Strazny (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York:
Routledge, (ISBN: 1-57958-391-1.).
Harrington, J.,
Palethorpe, S. and Watson, C. (2005). Deepening or lessening the divide between diphthongs? An
analysis of the QueenÕs annual Christmas broadcasts. In W.J. Hardcastle
& J. Beck (eds). The Gift of Speech (Festschrift for John Laver). Erlbaum. (pp.
Harrington, J. (2003).
Consonant strengthening and lengthening in various languages: comments on three
papers. In J. Local, R. Ogden, R. Temple (Eds.). Laboratory Phonology VI. Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge. (pp. 183-193).
Harrington, J., Fletcher,
J. and Beckman, M.E. (2000). Manner and place conflicts in the
articulation of accent in Australian English. In Broe M. (editor), Papers in
Laboratory Phonology, 5. (p. 40-55). Cambridge University Press:
Fletcher, J. &
Harrington, J. (1999). Lip and jaw coarticulation. In W.J. Hardcastle & N.
Hewlett (eds). Coarticulation.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. (p. 144-175).
Harrington, J. (1988).
Acoustic cues for the recognition of English consonants. In Jack M. & Laver
(eds.) Aspects of Speech
Technology (p. 69-143). Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
Harrington, J. (1987). An
acoustic and electropalatographic study of stuttered speech. In Peters H. &
Hulstijn W. (eds.) Speech Motor Dynamics in Stuttering (p. 381-392). Springer- Verlag:
New York.
Harrington, J. (1987). A
model of stuttering and the production of speech under delayed auditory
feedback conditions. In Peters H. & Hulstijn W. (eds.) Speech Motor Dynamics in Stuttering (p.
353- 359). Springer-Verlag: New York.
Conference proceedings
Bombien, L., Cassidy, S., Harrington, J., John, T., Palethorpe, S.
(2006). Recent Developments in the Emu Speech
Database System. Proceedings of the Australian Speech Science and Technology Conference,
Auckland, December 2006.
Rathcke, T., & Harrington, J. (2006). Is there a distinction between H+!H* and
H+L* in standard German? Evidence from an acoustic and auditory analysis. Proceedings of
the International Speech Prosody Conference, Dresden.
Watson, C., Palethorpe,
S., Harrington, J. (2004). Capturing The vowel change In New Zealand English
over a thirty year period via A diachronic study. In Proceedings of 9th Australian
Speech Science and Technology Conference, Sydney, 2004 (4 pages).
A. & Harrington, J. (2003). An instrumental analysis of focus and juncture
in Warlpiri. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences,
Barcelona, August 2003. (4 pages).
J., Cassidy, S., John, T. and Scheffers, M. (2003). Building an interface between
EMU and Praat: a modular approach
to speech database analysis. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences,
Barcelona, August 2003. (4 pages).
L. & Harrington, J. (2002).
Assimilation of place of
articulation: Evidence from English and Japanese. Proceedings of the 9th Australian International
Conference on Speech Science and Technology, The University of Melbourne,
Australia (4 pages).
A., Watson, C. , Palethorpe,
S. and Harrington, J. (2002). Acoustic and
articulatory difference of speech segments at different prosodic conditions. Proceedings of
the 9th
Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology,
The University of Melbourne, Australia (4 pages).
J., Palethorpe, S. and Watson, C. (2000). Vowel change in Received
Pronunciation: evidence from the Queen's English. Proceedings of the 7th Australian
International Conference on Speech Science and Technology. (4 pages).
S., Beckman, M.E., Fletcher, J. and Harrington, J. (1999). The contribution of
schwa vowels to the prosodic accent contrast in Australian English. Proceedings of
the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco. (4 pages)..
J., Beckman, M.E., Fletcher, J. and Palethorpe, S. (1998). An
electropalatographic, kinematic, and acoustic analysis of supralaryngeal
correlates of word and utterance-level prominence contrasts in English. Proceedings of
the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing.
(4 pages). (p. 1851-1854).
C.I., Harrington, J. and Palethorpe, S. (1998). A kinematic analysis of New
Zealand and Australian English vowel spaces. Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. (4 pages). (p. 2363-2366).
J., Beckman, M. and Harrington, J. (1996). Accentual-prominence-enhancing
strategies in Australian English. Proceedings of the 6th Australian International
Conference on Speech Science and Technology. (p. 577-580).
J. and Harrington, J. (1996). Timing of intonational events in Australian
English. In P. McCormack & A. Russell (eds.) Proceedings of the VIth Australian
International Conference on Speech Science and Speech Technology , pp
S. and Harrington, J. (1996). EMU: an enhanced hierarchical speech database
management system. Proceedings of the 6th Australian International Conference on Speech
Science and Technology (p. 361-366).
J. & So, L. (1994). Some design criteria in the annotation of a spoken
database of Cantonese. Fifth International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Perth,
Australia. (4 pages).
J., Harrington, J. and Hajek, J. (1994). Phonemic vowel length and prosody in Australian
English. Proceedings
of the fifth Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Speech
Technology, Perth, Australia, (p. 656‑661).
J.B., Vonwiller, J.P., Harrington, J. and Dermody, P.J. (1994). The Australian
National Database Of Spoken Language, Proceedings International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP‑94, Adelaide, (pp.I97‑I100).
Harrington, J., Cassidy,
S., Fletcher, J. and McVeigh, A. (1993). The mu+ system for corpus-based speech research. Computer Speech & Language, 7,
Cassidy, S. and
Harrington, J. (1992). Neural network modelling of strong and weak vowels. Proceedings of
the Fourth International Conference on Speech Science and Technology. (p.
495-500). Brisbane, Australia.
Croot, K., Fletcher, J.
and Harrington, J. (1992). Phonetic segmentation on the Australian National
Database of Spoken Language. Proceedings of
the Fourth International Conference on Speech Science and Technology. (p.86-90).
Brisbane, Australia.
McVeigh, A. and
Harrington, J. (1992). The mu+ system for speech database analysis. Proceedings of
the Fourth International Conference on Speech Science and Technology. (p.548-553).
Brisbane, Australia.
J., Dermody, P., Harrington, J. & Vonwiller, J. (1992). A national cluster of
spoken language databases for Australia. Proc. of the Third Australian Int. Conference on
Speech Science and Technology. Melbourne, Australia. (4 pages).
Harrington, J. (1990). The
acoustic basis of the distinction between strong and weak vowels. Proc. of the
Third Australian Int. Conference on Speech Science and Technology. Melbourne,
Australia (4 pages).
J., Dermody, P., Harrington, J. & Vonwiller, J. (1990). A national database of
spoken language; concept, design, and implementation. Proc. of the International Conference on
Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-90). Kobe, Japan
(4 pages).
Harrington, J., Watson,
G. & Cooper, M. (1988). Word-boundary identification from phoneme sequence
constraints in automatic speech recognition. In Vargha D.
(ed.) Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling, '88), vol. 1,
225-229. John von Neumann Society for Computing Sciences. Budapest.
Harrington, J., Johnson,
I. & Cooper, M. (1987). The application of phoneme sequence constraints to
word boundary identification in automatic continuous speech recognition. In
Laver J. & Jack M. (eds.) European Conference on Speech Technology, vol. 1, 163-166. Edinburgh,
Harrington, J. &
Johnstone, A. (1987). The effects of word boundary ambiguity in continuous
speech recognition. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Phonetic Sciences,
Tallinn, Estonia, U.S.S.R. (4 pages).
Harrington, J. (1987). A technique
for the phonetic transcription of stuttering. Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference of Phonetic Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia, U.S.S.R. (4 pages).
Harrington, J., Laver, J.
& Cutting, D. (1986). Word-structure reduction rules in automatic,
continuous speech recognition. In Lawrence R. (ed.) Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics,
8, 451-460.
Cutting, D. &
Harrington, J. (1986). Phongram: a phonological rule interpreter. In Lawrence
R. (ed.) Proceedings
of the Institute of Acoustics, 8, 461-469.
Abstracts only
A., Palethorpe, S., Watson, C., Harrington, J., (2003). An acoustic and
articulatory analysis of domain-initial strengthening in Japanese. In the 6th
International Seminar on Speech Production (Coltheart, M, Croot, K, Fletcher,
J., Harrington, J., Mendes, S,
Palethorpe, S. and Tabain M, editors). Macquarie Centre for Cognitive
Science: Sydney. (Abstract)
C., Palethorpe, S. and Harrington, J. (2003). Acoustic evidence of the vowel
change in New Zealand English between 1955 and 1990: a diachronic study. In the
6th International Seminar on Speech Production (Coltheart, M, Croot,
K, Fletcher, J., Harrington, J., Mendes, S, Palethorpe, S. and Tabain M, editors). Macquarie Centre for
Cognitive Science: Sydney (Abstract)
S., Croot, K., Molloy, N., Gibbon, F and Harrington, J. (2003). An
electropalatographic investigation of sibilant production by children with
repaired cleft palate. In the 6th International Seminar on Speech
Production (Coltheart, M, Croot, K, Fletcher, J., Harrington, J., Mendes,
S, Palethorpe, S. and Tabain M,
editors). Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science: Sydney. (Abstract)
A. and Harrington, J. (2003). An acoustic and articulatory analysis of focus
and the word/morpheme boundary distinction in Warlpiri. In the 6th
International Seminar on Speech Production (Coltheart, M, Croot, K, Fletcher,
J., Harrington, J., Mendes, S,
Palethorpe, S. and Tabain M, editors). Macquarie Centre for Cognitive
Science: Sydney. (Abstract)
L. and Harrington, J., (2003). An electropalatographic study of lexical
frequency and place of articulation assimilation. In the 6th
International Seminar on Speech Production (Coltheart, M, Croot, K, Fletcher,
J., Harrington, J., Mendes, S,
Palethorpe, S. and Tabain M, editors). Macquarie Centre for Cognitive
Science: Sydney. (Abstract).
K., Harrington, J., & Coltheart, M. (2002). 358,534 nonwords: The ARC Nonword Database (A). Paper presented
at the meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Kansas City,
November, 2002.
L. & Harrington, J. (2002). Lexical and post-lexical assimilation: an EPG
study of word blends in English and Japanese (Abstract). Paper presented at
Laboratory Phonology VIII, Haskins Laboratories, USA.
C.I., Maclagan, M., and Harrington, J. (1998). Acoustic evidence of vowel shift
in New Zealand English. Abstracts of Laboratory Phonology VI, York, U.K. (Abstract).
K., Harrington, J., Coltheart, M., & Palethorpe, S. (1998). Reading aloud begins when the
computation of phonology is complete. 1998 Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Dallas. (Abstract).
J., Beckman, M.E. , Fletcher, J. and Palethorpe, S. (1997). Kinematic and
spectral measures of supralaryngeal correlates of the accent contrast in
Australian English high vowels. 134th meeting of the Acoustical Society of
America. Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America, 102, 3205. (Abstract).
J., Beckman, M.E. , Fletcher, J.
and Palethorpe, S. (1996). Competing hypotheses concerning the articulation of
stress in English. 131st meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 99, 2494. (Abstract).
J. and Fletcher, J. (1996). Acoustic (non)consequences of gestural variability
in the production of accentual prominence (A). 3rd Joint Meeting of the
Acoustical Society of America and Japan. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100, 2826.
J. and Fletcher, J. (1996). Acoustic (non)consequences of gestural variability
in the production of accentual prominence (A). 3rd Joint Meeting of the
Acoustical Society of America and Japan. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100, 2826.
J. and Harrington J. (1995). Coproduction, accent and the tense/lax contrast. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 98.5, pt.2. (Abstract).
Cassidy, S. and
Harrington, J. (1993). Target and dynamic theories of vowel perception.
Evidence from neural network classifications. Language & Speech Conference,
Sydney. (A).
Harrington, J. and
McVeigh (1992). Analysing acoustic and articulatory speech data using the mu+
speech database interrogation system. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
vol. 91, supplement 1. (A).
Harrington, J. (1991).
Target and dynamic studies of vowel classification from a large speech
database. Language & Speech Conference, Melbourne. (A).
Harrington, J. (1991).
Target and dynamic studies of vowel classification from a large speech
database. Language & Speech Conference, Melbourne. (A).
Harrington, J., Watson,
G. & Cooper, M. (1988). Word-boundary identification in automatic speech
recognition. Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America (abstract), 84 (Supplement 1), S. 217.