Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
SmartKom - SKAUDIO 1.0

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The SmartKom corpora were produced at BAS in the years 1999 to 2003 within the SmartKom project which was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Science. The corpus consists of multi-modal recordings ('sessions') of 224 persons in a Wizard-of-Oz setting. More details regarding the specification and production can be found here; an overview about the total corpus has been published at LREC 2002.

Release SKAUDIO 1.0 contains all audio channel recordings of the SmartKom corpora SmartKom Public, SmartKom Home and SmartKom Mobil.

Main technical features of release SKAUDIO 1.0

Original READMEs

Recording sessions : Overview

This table contains an overview about all SmartKom recording sessions (many of them might not be contained on this release!). For each recording one line with 35 TAB separated colums contains the following data: session id and dvd number (1-2), recorded modalities (channels, 3-20), annotations (21-26) and some selected features of the user. As you can see not all recordings have the full range of modalities or annotations (missing parts are marked with a '-'). The above table is intended to simplify the selection of recording sessions for specific tasks.

Availablility and fees

Since the SmartKom corpus was produced with public fundings, there are no restrictions to use the data except that the corpus as well as parts of it must not be distributed explicitly to third parties (the distribution of implicit data as statistical models, rules derived from the data, etc. is permitted).

The fee for the total release SKAUDIO 1.0 is:

SmartKom SKAUDI 1.0
9 DVD-5 UDF + Postage + Packaging
EUR 2.300,- (ELRA Members 50% discount)

It is possible to order parts or selected channels from the distribution. For example you might be interested only in the facial video channel in combination with user state labeling or in the audio channels in combination with the transliteration. The distribution fee is caculated by the number of needed DVD-5 for distribution times the BAS distribution fee.

Questions and orders to

Florian Schiel