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The DFG funded project "Deutsche Vokale" is dedicated to the articulographic exploration of the German vowels.
The first stage of the project has concentrated on the acquisition of an extensive corpus and on the initial stages of the analysis. The corpus covers all 15 accentable vowels of German (leaving aside diphthongs). These vowels were embedded in two sub-corpora:
Thus a total of almost 700 vowel realizations are available for analysis from each speaker (45 per vowel). To date 6 speakers have been recorded. Movement data was acquired (AG100, Carstens Medizinelektronik, Göttingen) from four positions on the tongue and one each on lower lip and jaw.
First results of an analysis of the dynamic aspects of vowel articulation are to be found in Hoole et al., 1994. Here the two different speech rates were exploited to arrive at a better understanding of the dynamic differences between tense and lax vowels. Contextual and token-to-token lingual variability in vowel articulation is analyzed in Hoole & Khnert, 1995. Further reports are in preparation on lingual configuration and tongue- jaw coordination.
The next phase of the project aims firstly to provide supplementary information on labial and mandibular configuration, as well as on larynx height. Analysis will then focus on questions of interarticulator coordination, controlled variables in lingual articulation and articulatory-acoustic relations.