Kinematic analysis of speech articulation:
Research questions and methodology
October 6th, 1998
For directions to the institute and last-minute information see
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It may be still worth trying the ones marked full.
If unsuccessful contact Phil Hoole directly for further help
For abstracts (not yet complete) see:
For preliminary programme see:
an earlier announcement in German can still be browsed:
Dear Phoneticians, Phonologists, and articulation reseachers,
Some weeks ago we announced a workshop entitled
Kinematic analysis of speech articulation:
Research questions and methodology
We announced this meeting in German intending to have a fairly low-key affair getting together those active in the field in Germany. However, a number of people from abroad have expressed an interest in coming and we would certainly be very keen to have them here. Actually, the formalities are minimal: The meeting is free; the most important thing would be for active participants to send an abstract as soon as possible. As the blurb points out, the main aim is to promote exchange of ideas, and less for people to trot out finished results. So participants could present current developments in their labs, and are encouraged to use their presentation to outline the kinds of theoretical questions that require analysis of speech movement data in order to be usefully addressed, maybe at the same time raising methodological problems that remain to be resolved.
Place: Institute of Phonetics and Speech Communication, University of Munich, Schellingstr. 3/II, 80799 Munich
Begin: 12.10.98 14:00
End: 13.10.98 approx. 13:00
for more information, please contact
Ingo Hertrich
Phil Hoole
and visit the following WEB pages:
Abstracts (about one page) should be sent by e-mail to
reply form:
* Please send me the program
* I would like to make the following contribution:
* Title:
time for presentation:
time for discussion:
Ingo Hertrich
Dept. of Neurology, Univ. of Tuebingen, Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 3
D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Phone x7071/2987529 FAX x7071/296507