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Marianne Pouplier

PD Dr. Marianne Pouplier

is the Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant. She has worked for many years on complexity in speech production and the question of what makes something “hard to say” across languages.

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Stefania Marin

Dr. Stefania Marin

was born and raised in Romania, where she obtained a BA (English and Portuguese Philology) and MA (Applied Linguistics) from the University of Bucharest. She received her PhD in Linguistics in 2007 from Yale University, USA, and since then she has been working at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing. Her research investigates how linguistically-relevant structures such as syllables are realized temporally at the speech production level. Particular focus of her work is on Romanian vowels and consonant clusters.

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Tom Lentz

Dr. Tom Lentz

Tom Lentz studied Artificial Intelligence (BSc and MSc) at the University of Amsterdam, in the language and speech track. From 2007 to 2011, he focused on (psycho)linguistics during his PhD on the role of phonotactics in speech segmentation (specifically, the case of second language acquisition), supervised by René Kager at Utrecht University. Afterwards, he worked and taught at the Radboud University Nijmegen, the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam University College and Utrecht University. From 2012 to 2015, he investigated the effect of metrical structure on speech segmentation and the acquisition of prosodic focus markers, collaborating with Aoju Chen, René Kager and Wim Zonneveld. Since September 2015 Tom has been working as a postdoctoral researcher in the ANR-DFG project 'Paths to Phonological Complexity: Onset clusters in speech production, perception, and disorders'. He will be investigating the interaction between learned (language-specific) patterns of consonant cluster articulation and universal articulatory preferences, as well as the role of perception on these patterns (in collaboration with Harim Kwon and Ioana Chitoran at the Université Paris Diderot, the French side of the project).

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Manfred Pastätter

Manfred Pastätter, M. A.

studied Phonetics, Computational Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies at the LMU Munich and received his master's degree in 2012. In August 2012 he joined the ERC Project at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing as a PhD student. In his dissertation he focuses on Polish consonant clusters.

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Lia Saki Bučar Shigemori

Lia Saki Bučar Shigemori, M. A.

completed her undergraduate studies in Phonetics, Computational Linguistics and General Linguistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in 2012. After having worked at Nuance in Belgium for a year and a half, she joined the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing in September 2013. Currently, she is investigating the articulation of consonant clusters involving liquids in Slovak.

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Anna Ratzinger

Anna Ratzinger

studies Phonetics at the LMU Munich since 2012/2013. She joined the ERC Project at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing as a student research assistant in April 2014.

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