2nd Workshop on Sound Change
2 - 4 May 2012, Kloster Seeon, Bavaria, Germany
The workshop follows the inaugural and highly successful Workshop on Sound Change held in Barcelona in October 2010. This 2nd Workshop on Sound Change is organized by Jonathan Harrington and Mary Stevens (Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Munich). Our goal is to continue to examine aspects of sound change from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives. For this second workshop, oral presentations are organized around the following specific themes:
- Coarticulation, the listener & sound change
- Social/dialect factors & sound change
- Imitation, entrainment & sound change
- Language acquisition & sound change
- Evolutionary models of sound change
- Computational modeling of sound change
- Phonology and sound change
The workshop consists of invited talks, discussion sessions and poster sessions. Abstracts describing empirical research on sound change are welcomed for poster presentation at the workshop. Invited speakers include:
- Mary Beckman (Ohio State University)
- Paul Boersma (University of Amsterdam)
- John Ohala (Berkeley)
- Cynthia Clopper (Ohio State University)
- Maria-Josep Solé (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Juliette Blevins (City University of New York)
- Louis Goldstein (University of Southern California)
- Patrice Beddor (University of Michigan)
- Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson (Haskins Laboratories)
- Paul Kiparsky (Stanford University)
- William Labov (University of Pennsylvania)
- Morgan Sonderegger (University of Chicago)
- Khalil Iskarous (Haskins Laboratories)
Abstracts Booklet (PDF, 2.2 MB)
John's Pictures of the Workshop (album)
Florian's Pictures of the Workshop (album) (high res dowload)
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