Information, Standards, Templates
BAS Repository: Speech Corpora and speech data collections
- BAS Repository: description, work flow, PID usage and granularity
- BAS Policy for External Resources: what are the prerequisites for a BAS corpus
- BAS Policy Repository: file Formats - recommended/accepted file types in BAS
- BAS Policy Repository: License Types, Pricing, Discounts
- BAS - Terms of Usage for BAS Resources
- Template: Contract for External Resources (DOCX)
- Template: Informed Consent Form for Speakers
- BAS Template: Declaration of Scientific Usage - required for a scientific (discounted) BAS license
- BAS - Long-term Preservation and Disaster Plan
- BAS WebServies: License Types, Pricing
- BAS - Terms of Usage for BAS Webservices - Academic Institutions
- BAS - Terms of Usage for BAS Webservices - Commercial Companies
- Template: Contract for External Webservices
- BAS Standard: transcription conventions for canonical German pronunciation
- BAS Standard: "The Production of Speech Corpora" - best practise recommendations
- BAS Standard: "The Validation of Speech Corpora" - best practise recommendations
- BAS Standard: "The CLARIN-D User Guide" - a detailed collection of best practise for language resources
- DFG: Empfehlungen zu datentechnischen Standards und Tools bei der Erhebung von Sprachkorpora (pdf | 370 KB)
- DFG: Informationen zu rechtlichen Aspekten bei der Handhabung von Sprachkorpora (pdf | 249 KB)
- Mark D. Wilkinson et al.: The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Scientific Data (Nature), doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.18.
- "Verboten ist was nicht ausdrücklich erlaubt ist - Datenschutz in qualitativen Interviews", Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe "Datenschutz und qualitative Sozialforschung" des Rats für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten, 2015.
- DARIAH ELDAH Consent Form Wizard - helpful source for the creation of a speaker consent form according to GDPR