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ERC Members

Jonathan Harrington

Prof. Jonathan Harrington

is the principal investigator of the ERC project “InterAccent” and was also responsible for the former ERC project “Sound Change and the Acquisition of Speech”. He is Director of the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing.

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Prof. Phil Hoole

oversees all physiological recordings (such as ultrasound and electromagnetic articulography) in the ERC project “Sound Change and the Acquisition of Speech”.

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Stefano Coretta

Stefano Coretta, PhD

after having obtained his PhD from the University of Manchester, Stefano joined the IPS as a postdoctoral researcher in Oktober 2019. His research interests are speech production and sound change with a special focus on statistics and computational modelling.

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Conceição Cunha

Conceição Cunha, PhD

completed her PhD as part of the LIPP program in Munich in 2012. Her dissertation involved articulatory and perceptual studies on the organisation of consonant clusters and CVC sequences in two different varieties of Portuguese. Conceição joined the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Science in April 2012 to carry out articulatory and perceptual analyses of the tense-lax vowel contrast in Standard German and Austrian German. She is also interested in the spatial and temporal organisation of coarticulated speech segments.

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Michele Gubian

Michele Gubian, PhD

joined the ERC project “InterAccent” in June 2018 and, being a data scientist, is interested in functional data analysis and agent-based modelling.

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Felicitas Kleber

Felicitas Kleber, PhD

coordinated the investigations of child speech in German, Polish and Cantonese for the ERC project “Sound Change and the Acquisition of Speech”. Following her degree in Phonetics, English Language & Literature and German Language & Literature at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel, Felicitas wrote her dissertation on “Incomplete neutralization and maintenance of phonological contrasts in regional varieties of Standard German” at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. She has been a member of the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing since 2006. Her research is focussed on the speech production and perception of adult and child speakers in regional varieties of German.

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Mary Stevens

Mary Stevens, PhD

obtained her PhD (“A Phonetic investigation into Raddoppiamento sintattico in Sienese Italian”) in 2007 from the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests include descriptive phonetics (including work on lesser documented languages), laboratory phonology and sound change. She has been at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Science since 2010. Amongst other things, Mary is carrying out studies on sound change in Italian as part of the ERC project “Sound Change and the Acquisition of Speech”.

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Raphael Winkelmann

Raphael Winkelmann, PhD

received his PhD in 2018 at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Science where he had also graduated in Phonetics, Computational Linguistics and Computer Science. He is a staff member at the IPS since August 2012 and develops a software solution for creating, querying, and analysing speech databases. He is also involved in several other phonetic software solutions that are currently being developed at the IPS.

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Johanna Cronenberg

Johanna Cronenberg, M. A.

is a PhD student at the Institut of Phonetics and Speech Processing since April 2019. Her research for the ERC project “InterAccent” focusses on sound change and agent-based modelling.

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Rosa Franzke

Rosa Franzke, M. A.

is a PhD student in the ERC project “InterAccent” since October 2019. In her dissertation she investigates the effects of anatomic differences due to gender on acoustics and perception.

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Xiaodan Wang

Xiaodan Wang, M. A.

received her Magister Artium in Phonetics and Speech Processing from the LMU Munich in 2013. Her MA thesis involved an experimental investigation of tone sandhi in Mandarin Chinese. She joined the Graduate School Language & Literature Munich (GS L&L) in 2014. Her PhD project is focussed on the individual use of coarticulatory tonal information in the production and perception of Mandarin in native-speaking adults and children and in adult L2 speakers. She is also interested in historical language development and bilingualism.

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Katrin Wolfswinkler

Katrin Wolfswinkler, M. A.

has been a researcher at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing since April 2017. Before that she received her B.A. and M.A. in Phonetics from the LMU Munich. Her dissertation focusses on the evolution of the Bavarian dialect with regard to school children. Her research interests are the articulation of vowels and liquids which are easily affected by dialectal changes and may therefore offer insights into the evolution of language.

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Affiliated Members

Christopher Carignan

Christopher Carignan, PhD

was a researcher at the IPS until September 2019. His research interests include speech production, articulation, and physiology, especially in combination with nasalisation.

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Enkeleida Kapia

Assoc. Prof. Enkeleida Kapia

as a guest Associate Professor, Enkeleida is working on a phonetic analysis of Albanian. She is interested in language acquisition, sound change, and prosody.

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Daniela Müller

Daniela Müller, PhD

has been a member of the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing since September 2012. She received a doctoral degree from the universities of Tolosa and Heidelberg with a dissertation on “The developments of the lateral in Occitan dialects and their Romance and cross-linguistic context”. Her research focuses on sound change and laboratory phonology. At the IPS, she is leader of the project “Dynamics and change of liquids” (Research Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies, LMU).

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Manfred Pastätter

Manfred Pastätter, PhD

studied Phonetics, Computational Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies at the LMU Munich and received his master's degree in 2012. In August 2012 he joined the ERC Project at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing as a PhD student. In his dissertation he focuses on Polish consonant clusters.

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Marianne Pouplier

Prof. Marianne Pouplier

is the Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant. She has worked for many years on complexity in speech production and the question of what makes something “hard to say” across languages.

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Eva Reinisch

Eva Reinisch, PhD

received her doctoral degree in 2010 for her research at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics on the topic “Processing the fine temporal structure of spoken words”. Since 2012 she has been at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing. Her research focuses on acoustic context effects and the effect of accents on spoken word recognition in the listeners' first and second languages.

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Former Members

Lia Saki Bučar Shigemori

Lia Saki Bučar Shigemori, PhD

completed her undergraduate studies in Phonetics, Computational Linguistics and General Linguistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in 2012. After having worked at Nuance in Belgium for a year and a half, she joined the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing in September 2013. She investigated the articulation of consonant clusters involving liquids in Slovak.

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Véronique Bukmaier

Véronique Bukmaier, PhD

was a member of the Institute of Phonectis and Speech Science. She investigated speech production in child and adult speakers of Polish. She studied General Linguistics at the Universität Konstanz before joining the IPS to begin her Master's degree. Her Master thesis is focussed on dialectal change in the Augsburger dialect of German, which belongs to the Swabian dialects.

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Stefania Marin

Stefania Marin, PhD

was born and raised in Romania, where she obtained a BA (English and Portuguese Philology) and MA (Applied Linguistics) from the University of Bucharest. She received her PhD in Linguistics in 2007 from Yale University, USA, and since then she has been working at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing. Her research investigated how linguistically-relevant structures such as syllables are realized temporally at the speech production level. Particular focus of her work was on Romanian vowels and consonant clusters.

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Sandra Peters

Sandra Peters, M. A.

joined the Institute of Phonetics in March 2012 after completing her undergraduate studies in Phonetics, General Linguistics and Psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. Her PhD project investigated the speech of German children and adults. Sandra's main research interest regarding the articulation of consonant clusters and vowels is aimed at investigating syllable structure.

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Ulrich Reubold

Ulrich Reubold, PhD

was a member of the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing from 2006 to November 2019. His dissertation (“Über die Zusammenhänge zwischen Grundfrequenz und Vokalhöhe: Evidenzen aus longitudinalen Altersstimmenstudien, Perturbations- und Vokalerkennungsexperimenten”) focussed on the relationship between fundamental frequency and vowel height using data from longitudinal studies. He is currently investigating the production and perception of coarticulated speech in structurally different languages.

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Jessica Siddins

Jessica Siddins, PhD

joined the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing in March 2013 after completing her undergraduate studies in Phonetics, General Linguistics and Speech Pathology. Her PhD project investigates the relationship between the production and perception of speech in children and adults in a cross-linguistic study of German and Cantonese. Her main research interests are the acquisition and stabilisation of speech production and perception.

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Taja Stoll

Taja Stoll, M. A.

held a Qualification position at the Graduate School Language & Literature Munich (GS L&L) and was a PhD student at the IPS. She completed one Master’s degree in Spanish Linguistics at the Complutense Univerisity of Madrid and another one in Phonetics and Phonology at the University Menéndez Pelayo (Madrid). She investigated palatalisation in Russian liquids.

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