Coronal plosives and nasals of Arrernte

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Based on the example in Table 2.5 in Ladefoged/Maddieson Sounds of the World's Languages, p. 28
The material, originally recorded by Andy Butcher, was downloaded from the UCLA Archive:
2007. The UCLA Phonetics Lab Archive. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Department of Linguistics.
Each word is spoken three times.
The transcription given in '/ ... /' is for rough guidance only. The transcription convention used for indicating the target sound is given in brackets

/atheme/ (th)
/anhere/ (nh)
/kwete/ (t)
/aneme/ (n)
/kwerte/ (rt)
/arne/ (rn)
/atyemeje/ (ty)
/alenye/ (ny)

Click here for palatograms from fieldwork on Western Arrernte by V. Anderson

Further notes: I was unable to find the example for apical alveolar plosive given in SoWL Table 2.5, so this has been replaced by another item. The English gloss of laminal dental nasal as 'sitting' in SoWL is probably a typo.