Phonetic Analysis of Speech Corpora

Jonathan Harrington


The EMU Speech Database System

EMU is a collection of software tools for the creation, manipulation and analysis of speech databases. At the core of EMU is a database search engine which allows the researcher to find various speech segments based on the sequential and hierarchical structure of the utterances in which they occur. EMU includes an interactive labeller which can display spectrograms and other speech waveforms, and which allows the creation of hierarchical, as well as sequential, labels for a speech utterance.

Download the Emu Speech Database System Version of the textbook:

Windows: XP, Vista Emu2.3
Mac OS X: 10.4 and above Emu2.3
Linux: x86 Emu2.3

For further information, updates, documentation, FAQs and more see Emu web page (

Library Emu in the Software package R

The Emu-R library is a collection of programs running within the R programming language for the analysis of any speech database that can be read by the Emu Speech Database System.

Download the Library Emu for R version of the textbook:

Windows: XP, Vista Emu_R4.2
Mac OS X: 10.4 and above Emu_R4.2
Linux: x86 Emu_R4.2

For further information, updates, documentation, FAQs and more see Emu web page (

website by Tina John