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The “Research Reports of the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Communications” (FIPKM, “Forschungseberichte des Instituts für Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation“) were edited and published for 39 volumes until the series was discontinued in 2002. Some of the volumes published between 1996 and 2002 are available online. Others are available in print at request.
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Harrington, J., Schiel, F. (2017). /U/-Fronting and Agent-Based Modelling - The Relationship between the Origin and Spread of Sound Change. Language, 93(2), 414-445.
@article{harringtonFrontingAgentbasedModelling2017, title = {/U/-Fronting and Agent-Based Modelling - {{The}} Relationship between the Origin and Spread of Sound Change}, author = {Harrington, Jonathan and Schiel, Florian}, year = {2017}, journal = {Language}, volume = {93}, number = {2}, pages = {414--445}, doi = {10.1353/lan.2017.0019}, abstract = {The study is concerned with whether an asymmetric phonetic overlap between speaker groups contributes to the directional spread of sound change. An acoustic analysis of speakers of Southern British English showed that younger speakers' fronted /u/ was probabilistically closer to that of older speakers' retracted /u/ distributions than the other way round. Agent-based modeling based on the same data showed an asymmetric shift of older towards younger speakers' fronted /u/. The general conclusion is that sound change is likely to be propagated when a phonetic bias within an individual is further magnified by a difference between speaker groups that is in the same direction.}, annotation = {00000} }
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