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Das IPS hat seit seiner Gründung 1972 in 39 Ausgaben die „Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Phonetik und sprachliche Kommunikation der Universität München (FIPKM)“ herausgegeben. 2002 wurde die Reihe eingestellt. Einige der Ausgaben zwischen 1996 und 2002 sind online abrufbar. Andere Ausgaben sind auf Anfrage in gedruckter Form erhältlich.
Weitere Informationen
- Bücher (33)
- Herausgegebene Bände (13)
- Artikel (577)
- Buchkapitel (315)
- Konferenzbeiträge (508)
- Dissertationen (40)
- Andere Publikationen (6)
Bücher (33)
Im Druck
- (Im Druck). Zhvillimet Në Shkencat e Ligjërimit Dhe Lënda e Gjuhës Dhe e Letërsisë Në Arsimin Parauniversitar (Developments in Modern Linguistics and Teaching of Albanian in Pre-University Education). Instituti i Gjuhësisë Dhe Letërsisë. Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, ASA.
- (Im Druck). Dysarthrie. Thieme.
- (2023). Phonetik Und Phonologie: Eine Einführung. Narr.
- (2023). Sprache Und Identität. Eine Einführung. Narr.
- (2020). Dysarthrien Bei Kindern: Informationen Für Therapeuten Und Eltern. Schulz-Kirchner Verlag GmbH.
- (2020). Sprechapraxie: Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Therapie. Springer.
- (2015). Die Organisation von Konsonantenclustern Und CVC-Sequenzen in Zwei Portugiesischen Varietäten. Monsenstein und Vannerdat.
- (2012). Phonetic Investigation into ``Raddoppiamento Sintattico'' in Sienese Italian. Bern: Peter Lang.
- (2011). Anreden, Erwidern, Verstehen. Elemente Einer Psycholinguistik Der Alterität. Lehmanns media.
- (2011). Inneres Sprechen - Ergebnisse Einer Indiziensuche. Berlin: Lehmanns Media.
- (2010). The Phonetic Analysis of Speech Corpora. Wiley-Blackwell.
- (2010). Dysarthrie. Verstehen - Untersuchen - Behandeln. Thieme.
- (2009). Optimality Theory and Phonetics-Phonology Interface. Lincom.
- (2009). Evaluierung von Gemeinsamen Und Unterschiedlichen Stimm- Und Sprechmerkmalen von Gleichgeschlechtlichen Geschwisterpaaren. Frankfurt: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.
- (2003). Hierarchische Wortlisten. Ein Nachsprechtest Für Die Sprechapraxiediagnostik. Kerkhoff, G., Troppmann, N., Goldenberg, G. (eds.).
- (2003). The Production of Speech Corpora. Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals.
- (2002). Bogenhausener Semantik - Untersuchung (BOSU). Glindemann, R., Klintwort, D., Ziegler, W., Goldenberg, G. (eds.). Urban & Fischer.
- (1999). Techniques in Speech Acoustics. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- (1999). Automatische Segmentierung Und Etikettierung von Spontansprache. Shaker.
- (1998). Das Intraoperative Sprachmonitoring: Moeglichkeiten Und Grenzen Des Verfahrens in Der Neuropsychologischen Forschung. Westdeutscher Verlag.
- (1998). Materialien Zur Sprechapraxietherapie. EKN, Materialien Fuer Die Rehabilitation 1. Borgmann Publishing GmbH.
- (1998). Dysarthrie. Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Behandlungsverfahren. Thieme.
- (1996). Sprachspiel Metapher. Denkweisen Und Kommunikative Funktion Einer Rhetorischen Figur. Westdeutscher Verlag.
- (1993). Neuropsychologische Diagnostik. Verlag Chemie.
- (1993). Die Vokale Kommunikation von Gefühlen. Psychologie Verlags Union.
- (1993). Materialien Zur Sprechapraxie-Therapie. Mai, N., Ziegler, W., Kerkhoff, G., Troppmann, N. (eds.). Borgmann.
- (1990). Entwicklung von Diagnostischen Standards Und von Therapieleitlinien Für Zentrale Stimm- Und Sprechstörungen (Dysarthrophonien). GSF.
- (1985). Sprache Und Räumliche Orientierung. Dargestellt Am Beispiel Der Arbeit Des Schauspielers. Lang.
- (1980). Phonetik. Lautsprachliche Zeichen Sprachsignale Und Lautsprachlicher Kommunikationsprozess. Klett.
Herausgegebene Bände (13)
- (2016). Proceedings Der 12. Tagung Phonetik Und Phonologie Im Deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P12), München.
- (2014). Special issue: Language and the self. Theory & Psychology, 24(4).
- (2014). Klinische Neuropsychologie - Kognitive Neurologie.
- (2012). Dialogic Formations. Investigations into the Origins of the Dialogical Self. (The following fields were not imported:\\ publisher=Information Age Publishing)
- (2012). Über Grenzen Sprechen: Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa Und Der Welt.
- (2012). Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity.
- (2011). Contribution to cultural-historical psycholinguistics. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 5.
- (2011). JournaLIPP, 1.
- (2007). Special Issue: Developmental Origins of the Dialogical Self. International Journal for Dialogical Science, 2(1).
- (2006). Speech Production: Models, Phonetic Processes, and Techniques.
- (2006). Kognitive Neurologie.
Artikel (577)
Im Druck
- (Im Druck). Becoming Professional through Dialogical Learning: How Language Activity Shapes and (Re-)Organizes the Dialogical Self's Voicings and Positions. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction.
- (Im Druck). Spectral Context Effects Are Modulated by Selective Attention in 'cocktail Party' Settings. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
- (Im Druck). A Network-Modeling Approach to Investigating Individual Differences in Articulatory-to-Acoustic Relationship Strategies. Speech Communication.
- (Im Druck). Learning a New Sound Pair in a Second Language: Italian Learners and German Glottal Consonants. Journal of Phonetics.
- (Im Druck). Robustness of Phonolexical Representations Relates to Phonetic Flexibility for Difficult Second Language Sound Contrasts. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
- (Eingereicht). Breathy Voice and Low-Register: A Case of Trading Relation in Shanghai Chinese Tone Perception?. Language & Speech.
- (2024). The Prosody of Theme, Rheme and Focus in Egyptian Arabic: A Quantitative Investigation of Tunes, Configurations and Speaker Variability. Speech Communication, 160, 10308-2.
- (2024). Laryngeal Contrast and Sound Change: The Production and Perception of Plosive Voicing and Co-Intrinsic Pitch. Language, 100(1), 124-158.
- (2024). Age Estimation and Gender Attribution in Typically Developing Children and Children With Dysarthria. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 33(3), 1236-1253.
- (2024). Language-Specific and Individual Variation in Anticipatory Nasal Coarticulation: A Comparative Study of American English, French, and German. Journal of Phonetics, 107, 10136-5.
- (2024). Variation in Fine Phonetic Detail Can Modulate the Outcome of Sound Change. The Case of Stop Gradation and Laryngeal Contrast Implementation in Jutland Danish. Journal of Phonetics, 106.
- (2024). A Data-Driven Assessment of Harmony in Quebec French [e] and [$\varepsilon$]. JASA Express Letters, 4(4), 04520-3.
- (2024). Dialect Change and Language Attitudes in Albania. Language Variation and Change, 36(2), 219-242.
- (2024). Die Sprachtherapeutische Versorgung von Kindern Mit Dysarthrien - Eine Online-Umfrage Zum Status Quo Und Implikationen Für Forschung Und Praxis. Forum Logopädie, 38(3), 16-21.
- (2024). Profiles of Dysarthria: Clinical Assessment and Treatment. Brain Sciences, 14(1).
- (2023). Lee Silverman Voice Treatment Bei Kindern Mit Cerebralparese Und Dysarthrie. Forum Logopädie, 37(6), 12-17.
- (2023). Structural Correlates of Language Processing in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Brain Communications, 5(2), 07-6.
- (2023). Northern Tosk Albanian. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 53(3), 1122-1144.
- (2023). Phonetic and Phonological Sound Changes in an Agent-Based Model. Speech Communication, 147, 93-115.
- (2023). Hören Erkennen Verstehen: Auditive Diagnostik Kindlicher Dysarthrien Mit BoDyS-KiD. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 47(4), 182-183.
- (2023). Paul Sidwell and Mathias Jenny (Eds): The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia (The World of Linguistics, Volume 8.) Xv, 968 Pp. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2021. ISBN 978 3 11055606 3. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 86(1), 200-201.
- (2023). Transphonologization of Onset Voicing: Revisiting Northern and Eastern Kmhmu'. Phonetica, 79(6), 591-629.
- (2023). Clinical Practice in Childhood Dysarthria: An Online Survey of German-Speaking Speech-Language Pathologists. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32(6), 2802-2826.
- (2023). Language Specificity vs Speaker Variability of Anticipatory Labial Coarticulation in German and English. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.
- (2023). The Window of Opportunity: Anticipatory Nasal Coarticulation in Three Languages. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.
- (2023). Larynx Raising in English Word-Final Ejective Stops: A Real-Time MRI Study. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.
- (2023). Using Mahalanobis Distances to Investigate Second Dialect Acquisition: A Study on Quebec French. Language and Speech, 66(2), 291-321.
- (2023). What French Speakers' Nasal Vowels Tell Us about Anticipatory Nasal Coarticulation. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.
- (2023). Speech Naturalness in the Assessment of Childhood Dysarthria. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32, 1633-1643.
- (2023). Speech Motor Profiles in Primary Progressive Aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-26.
- (2023). Clinical Assessment of Communication-Related Speech Parameters in Dysarthria: The Impact of Perceptual Adaptation. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(8), 2622-2642.
- (2023). Speech and Nonspeech Parameters in the Clinical Assessment of Dysarthria: A Dimensional Analysis. Brain Sciences, 13.
- (2022). Does That Sound Right? A Novel Method of Evaluating Models of Reading Aloud. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 1314-1331.
- (2022). Intelligibility, Speech Rate, and Communication Efficiency in Children with Neurologic Conditions. A Longitudinal Study on Childhood Dysarthria. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31(4), 1817-1835.
- (2022). Entwicklungsverläufe Kindlicher Dysarthrien: Auditive Profile Und Verständlichkeit. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 28(2), 85-89.
- (2022). Advancements of Phonetics in the 21st Century: A Critical Appraisal of Time and Space in Articulatory Phonology. Journal of Phonetics, 95.
- (2022). Digitales Eigentraining Bei Aphasie -- Real World Data Analyse von 797 Nutzern Der App >>neolexon Aphasie<<. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 28, 61-67.
- (2022). Fast-Speech-Induced Hypoarticulation Does Not Considerably Affect the Diachronic Reversal of Complementary Length in Central Bavarian. Language and Speech.
- (2022). Der Glukosetransporter (Glut1)-Defekt. Ein Neues Syndrom Als Herausforderung Für Die Sprach- Und Sprechtherapie. Frühförderung interdisziplinär, 41(4), 199-211.
- (2022). Effects of Voiceless and Preglottalized Nasals on F0 in Eastern Khmu (Kmhmu' Am). Papers from the 30th Conference of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (2021), 318-333.
- (2022). Web-Based Assessment of Communication-Related Parameters in Dysarthria: Development and Implementation of the KommPaS Web App. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 36, 1093-1111.
- (2022). Indicators of Communication Limitation in Dysarthria and Their Relation to Auditory-Perceptual Speech Symptoms: Construct Validity of the KommPaS WebApp. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 65, 22-42.
- (2022). Reactive Feedback Control and Adaptation to Perturbed Speech Timing in Stressed and Unstressed Syllables. Journal of Phonetics, 91, 10113-3.
- (2022). Language and Cluster-Specific Effects in the Timing of Onset Consonant Sequences in Seven Languages. Journal of Phonetics, 93, 10115-3.
- (2022). Measuring Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies in German Speaking People with Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Pilot Testing of the FAVRES-DE. Aphasiology.
- (2022). Phonetic Change over the Career: A Case Study. Linguistics Vanguard, 8(1), 41-52.
- (2022). Vowels in Urban and Rural Albanian: The Case of the Southern Gheg Dialect. Phonetica, 79(5), 459-512.
- (2022). A Descriptive Account of the Quebec French Diphthong Fête. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 52(2), 228-245.
- (2022). Childhood Dysarthria: Auditory-Perceptual Profiles Against the Background of Typical Speech Motor Development. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65(6), 2114-2127.
- (2022). The Role of the Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum in Adaptation to Others' Speech Rate and Rhythm: A Study of Patients with Parkinson's Disease and Cerebellar Degeneration. Cortex, 157, 81-98.
- (2022). Dysarthrie: Ursachen, Erscheinungsbild Und Differenzialgiagnostische Aspekte. DLV aktuell, 2, 4-6.
- (2022). Individual Variation and the Coarticulatory Path to Sound Change: Agent-Based Modeling of /Str/ in English and Italian. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 7(1).
- (2022). A Neurophonetic Approach to Articulation: The Case of Apraxia of Speech. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 13(1), 1-24.
- (2022). The Prevalence of Apraxia of Speech in Chronic Aphasia after Stroke: A Bayesian Hierarchical Analysis. Cortex, 151, 15-29.
- (2021). Update Sprechapraxietherapie. Leitlinienempfehlungen Und Akutelle Forschungsansätze. Forum Logopädie, 35(5), 38-43.
- (2021). In Time with the Beat: Entrainment in Patients with Phonological Impairment, Apraxia of Speech, and Parkinson's Disease. Brain Sciences, 11, 152-4.
- (2021). Diagnostik Der Sprechapraxie Mit Den HWL- Kompakt. LogoTHEMA, 18(2), 14-19.
- (2021). Validation of the Munich Swallowing Score (MUCSS) in Patients with Neurogenic Dysphagia: A Preliminary Study. NeuroRehabilitation, 49, 445-457.
- (2021). Planting the Seed for Sound Change: Evidence from Real-Time MRI of Velum Kinematics in German. Language, 97(2), 333-364.
- (2021). Reading Fluency in Children and Adolescents Who Stutter. Brain Sciences, 11(12), 159-5.
- (2021). Developmental Courses in Childhood Dysarthria: Longitudinal Analyses of Auditory Perceptual Parameters. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(5), 1421-1435.
- (2021). Individuals, Communities, and Sound Change: An Introduction. Glossa, 6(1), 6-7.
- (2021). Individuals, Communities, and Sound Change: An Introduction. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 6(1), 1-17.
- (2021). Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST) - A Novel Diagnostic Tool to Assess Semantic Processing Deficits: Application to Persons with Aphasia after Cerebrovascular Accident. Brain Sciences, 11(3), 35-9.
- (2021). Der Nonverbale Semantiktest (NVST) - Ein Verfahren Zur Nonverbalen Erfassung Semantischer Verarbeitungsleistungen. Forum Logopädie, 35(5), 24-25.
- (2021). Online-Crowdsourcing Als KommPaS in Der Kommunikationsbezogenen Dysarthriediagnostik. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 45(1), 27-31.
- (2021). Clinical Measures of Communication Limitations in Dysarthria Assessed through Crowdsourcing: Specificity, Sensitivity, and Retest-Reliability. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics.
- (2021). The Impact of Lexical and Articulatory Factors in the Automatic Selection of Test Materials for a Web-Based Assessment of Intelligibility in Dysarthria. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
- (2021). Stiffness and Articulatory Overlap in Moroccan Arabic Consonant Clusters. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 12(1), -.
- (2021). Intelligibility, Articulation Rate, Fluency, and Communicative Efficiency in Typically Developing Children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64, 2575-2585.
- (2021). Primär Progrediente Aphasie (PPA). Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 45, 17-2.
- (2021). Motor Speech Disorders in the Nonfluent, Semantic and Logopenic Variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia. Cortex, 140.
- (2021). Sprechmotorische Störungen Bei Primär Progredienter Aphasie. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 45, 185-189.
- (2021). Crowdsourcing as a Tool in the Clinical Assessment of Intelligibility in Dysarthria: How to Deal with Excessive Variation. Journal of Communication Disorders, 93, 10613-5.
- (2021). The Nonlinear Gestural Model of Speech Apraxia: Clinical Implications and Applications. Aphasiology, 35(4), 462-484.
- (2021). Novel Vocalizations Are Understood across Cultures. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1010-8.
- (2020). Neurogene Störungen Der Sprache Und Des Sprechens. NeurologieUp2Date, 3, 155-173.
- (2020). Transphonologization of Voicing in Chru: Studies in Production and Perception. Laboratory Phonology, 11(1), 1-5.
- (2020). Analyzing Speech in Both Time and Space: Generalized Additive Mixed Models Can Uncover Systematic Patterns of Variation in Vocal Tract Shape in Real-Time MRI. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 11(1), -.
- (2020). A Dynamic Model of the Change from Pre- to Post-Aspiration in Andalusian Spanish. Journal of Phonetics, 83, 10101-6.
- (2020). Evaluating Models of Gesture and Speech Production for People with Aphasia. Cognitive Science, 44(9), 1289-0.
- (2020). Structure in Mind, Structure in Vocal Tract. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 38, 43-75.
- (2020). Toward Open Data Policies in Phonetics: What We Can Gain and How We Can Avoid Pitfalls. Journal of Speech Science, 9, 3-16.
- (2020). Dysarthriediagnostik Mit Kindern - Das Testmaterial Der BoDyS-KiD. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 44(4), 189-193.
- (2020). Complementary Length in Vowel-Consonant Sequences: Acoustic and Perceptual Evidence for a Sound Change in Progress in Bavarian German. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 50(1), 1-22. (doi:10.1017/S0025100317000238)
- (2020). Acoustic Correlates of Plosive Voicing in Madurese. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(4), 2779-2790.
- (2020). Madurese. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 50(1), 109-126.
- (2020). Compensation to Real-Time Temporal Auditory Feedback Perturbation Depends on Syllable Position. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148(3), 1478-1495.
- (2020). The Imitation of Coarticulatory Timing Patterns in Consonant Clusters for Phonotactically Familiar and Unfamiliar Sequences. Journal of Laboratory Phonology, 11(1).
- (2020). Komplexe Semantische Verarbeitung Bei Kognitiven Kommunikationsstörungen. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 44(2), 84-89.
- (2020). Diagnostik Und Therapie Kindlicher Dysarthrien. Sprachförderung und Sprachtherapie in Schule und Praxis, 20(3), 189-194.
- (2020). Age Norms for Auditory-Perceptual Neurophonetic Parameters - a Prerequisite for the Assessment of Childhood Dysarthria. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 63(4), 1071-1082.
- (2020). The Occurrence of Standard Dysarthria Syndromes in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
- (2020). Data-Driven Critical Tract Variable Determination for European Portuguese. Information, 11(10), 491-513.
- (2020). The Role of F0 and Phonation Cues in Cantonese Low Tone Perception. JASA Express Letters, 148(1), 40-45.
- (2019). Do Patients with Neurogenic Speech Sound Impairments Benefit from Auditory Priming with a Regular Metrical Pattern?. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62, 3104-3118.
- (2019). The Production of Gesture and Speech by People with Aphasia: Influence of Communicative Constraints. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 62(12), 4417-4432.
- (2019). The Impact of One's Own Voice and Production Skills on Word Recognition in a Second Language. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45, 552-571.
- (2019). The Role of Acoustic Cues and Listener Proficiency in the Perception of Accent in Non-Native Sounds. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 41, 179-200.
- (2019). Metathesis of Aspiration as the Source of Anticipatory Voicelessness in Basque. Journal of French Language Studies, 29.
- (2019). Another Temporal Processing Deficit in Individuals with Developmental Dyslexia: The Case of Normalization for Speaking Rate. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 62, 2171-2184.
- (2019). Phonetic Change in an Antarctic Winter. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, 332-7.
- (2019). Application of the Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST) to Persons with Aphasia after Stroke and Persons with Dementia. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 24 (Supplement), 132-135.
- (2019). Neolino: App Für Kinder Mit Aussprachestörungen. Sprachtherapie aktuell: Praxis - Beruf -- Verband, 1(3).
- (2019). The Influence of Coarticulatory and Phonemic Relations on Individual Compensatory Formant Production. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(2), 1265-1278.
- (2019). The Relevance of Auditory Feedback for Consonant Production: The Case of Fricatives. Journal of Phonetics, 77, 10093-1.
- (2019). Crowdbasierte Methoden in Der Diagnostik Neurologischer Sprechstörungen. Aphasie und verwandte Gebiete, 46, 28-33.
- (2019). Imitation in a Second Language Relies on Phonological Categories but Does Not Reflect the Productive Usage of Difficult Sound Contrasts. Language and Speech, 62, 594-622.
- (2019). The Impact of Dysarthria on Laypersons' Attitudes towards Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 71(5-6), 309-320.
- (2019). Associating the Origin and Spread of Sound Change Using Agent-Based Modelling Applied to /s/-Retraction in English. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1)(8).
- (2019). Higher-Faster-Farther: Maximum Performance Tests in the Assessment of Neurogenic Speech Impairment. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 71(5-6), 261-274.
- (2018). Impact of Daily Item Training on Short- and Long-Term Success of Intensive Cognitive-Linguistic Therapy in Chronic Aphasia. Aphasiology, 32, 26-29.
- (2018). Using Naïve Listener Imitations of Native Speaker Productions to Investigate Mechanisms of Listener-Based Sound Change. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 9(1), 1-31.
- (2018). Using Ultrasound and Nasalance to Separate Oral and Nasal Contributions to Formant Frequencies of Nasalized Vowels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(5), 2588-2601.
- (2018). Features of Semantic Content Expressed via Gesture by People with Aphasia. Aphasiology, 32:sup1, 18-20.
- (2018). Three-Dimensional Printable Ultrasound Transducer Stabilization System. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 144(5), 392-398.
- (2018). Herskarien Ustezko Ahoskabetasun Asimilazioa Eta Euskal Herskari Zaharren Gauzatzea. International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, 52, 189-206.
- (2018). On the Phonemic Status of Nasalized /\~H/ in Modern Zuberoan Basque. Linguistics, 56(6), 1353-1367.
- (2018). It Takes Two to Pantomime: Communication Meets Motor Cognition. NeuroImage: Clinical, 19, 1008-1017.
- (2018). Linking Cognitive and Social Aspects of Sound Change Using Agent-Based Modeling. Topics in Cognitive Science, 10(4), 1-21.
- (2018). Aktuelle Ansätze Zur Diagnostik Und Therapie Kommunikativer Fähigkeiten Bei Personen Mit Aphasie. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2, 130-142.
- (2018). Nonverbale Kommunikation Bei Schwerer Aphasie. Sprachtherapie aktuell: Forschung - Wissen - Transfer 1: Schwerpunktthema: Von der Forschung in die Praxis, e2018 - 12.
- (2018). Onset Pitch Perturbations and the Cross-Linguistic Implementation of Voicing: Evidence from Tonal and Non-Tonal Languages. Journal of Phonetics, 71, 326-354.
- (2018). Effects of Obstruent Voicing on Vowel F0: Implications for Laryngeal Realism. Yearbook of Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 4(1), 213-235.
- (2018). Mixed-Effects Design Analysis for Experimental Phonetics. Journal of Phonetics, 70, 70-85.
- (2018). VOT or Quantity: What Matters More for the Voicing Contrast in German Regional Varieties? Results from Apparent-Time Analyses. Journal of Phonetics, 71, 468-486.
- (2018). Acoustic Cues, Not Phonological Features, Drive Vowel Perception: Evidence from Height, Position and Tenseness Contrasts in German Vowels. Journal of Phonetics, 67, 34-48.
- (2018). Allophones, Not Phonemes in Spoken-Word Recognition. Journal of Memory and Language, 98(Supplement C), 77-92.
- (2018). Entrainment Profiles: Comparison by Gender, Role, and Feature Set. Speech Communication, 100, 46-57.
- (2018). The Feasibility of Assessing Speech and Non-Speech Function of the Speech Apparatus in Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 32(9), 876-887.
- (2018). Dysarthrien Bei Kindern. Forum Logopädie, 32(3), 16-21.
- (2018). Digitale Unterstützung in Der Aphasie- Und Sprechapraxietherapie Am Beispiel Des Neolexon Therapiesystems. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2, 110-115.
- (2018). Einsatz Der Gaumensegelprothese Bei Velopharyngealer Inkompetenz: Erfahrungen Mit Palatoflex™. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2, 155-169.
- (2018). Konzepte Der Dysarthriediagnostik Und Die Bogenhausener Dysarthrieskalen. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2, 143-154.
- (2017). Unexpected Obstruent Loss in Initial Obstruent--Sonorant Clusters: An Apparent Example from Basque. Phonology, 34(3), 507-522.
- (2017). Foreign Languages Sound Fast: Evidence from Implicit Rate Normalization. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 8, 106-3.
- (2017). Cognitive Load Makes Speech Sound Fast, but Does Not Modulate Acoustic Context Effects. Journal of Memory and Language, 94, 166-176.
- (2017). Intensive Speech and Language Therapy after Stroke - Authors' Reply. The Lancet, 390, 228-229.
- (2017). Wie Wirksam Ist Intensive Integrative Sprachtherapie Nach Einem Schlaganfall?. Sprachtherapie aktuell: Forschung - Wissen - Transfer: Schwerpunktthema: Intensive Sprachtherapie.
- (2017). Intensive Speech and Language Therapy in Patients with Chronic Aphasia after Stroke: A Randomised, Open-Label, Blinded-Endpoint, Controlled Trial in a Health-Care Setting. The Lancet, 389, 1528-1538.
- (2017). How Much Information Do People with Aphasia Convey via Gesture?. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 26, 483-497.
- (2017). Towards the next Generation of Speech Tools and Corpora. Computer, Speech & Language, 46(Nov 2017), 175-178.
- (2017). Phonetically Conditioned Sound Change: Contact Induced /u/-Fronting in Zuberoan Basque. Diachronica, 34(3), 331-367.
- (2017). Kommunikativ-Pragmatisches Screening (KOPS). Ein Untersuchungsinstrument Für Patienten Mit Aphasie. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 41, 102-107.
- (2017). Diagnostik Kindlicher Dysarthrien. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 41(1), 41-43.
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- (2017). When Words Don't Come Easily: A Latent Trait Analysis of Impaired Speech Motor Planning in Patients with Apraxia of Speech. Journal of Phonetics, 64, 145-155.
- (2017). Gauging the Dimensions of Dysarthric Impairment: Reliability and Construct Validity of the Bogenhausen Dysarthria Scales (BoDyS). Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 60, 1516-1534.
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- (2013). Segments and Syllables in the Treatment of Apraxia of Speech: An Investigation of Learning and Transfer Effects. Aphasiology, 27, 1180-1199.
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- (2009). Die Rolle Des Inneren Sprechens Beim Problemlösen Prüfung Eines Konzepts Der Sowjetischen Psychologie. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 17(3).
- (2009). Erzähl Mir Was: Literacy Im Vorschulalter. Warum Mündliches Erzählen Für Den Schriftspracherwerb so Wichtig Ist. Sprache & Literacy.
- (2009). Erzählkompetenz in Der Grundschule. Skizzierung Eines Innovativen Erzählprojektes. Grundschulmagazin, Oldenbourg Verlag, 51-56.
- (2009). Rezension Über: Isolde Albrecht: Sprache, Arbeit Und Geschlechtliche Identität. Wie Moderne Arbeitsbegriffe Alte Geschlechtslogiken Transportieren. Eine Sprachgeschichtliche Und Psychologische Studie. Feministische Studien, 27(1), 168-171.
- (2009). Phonologische Hilfen Bei Aphasischen Patienten Mit Wortabrufstörungen: Unterscheiden Sich Anlaut Und Mundbild in Der Wirksamkeit?. Aphasie und verwandte Gebiete, 24, 25-45.
- (2009). Modelling the Architecture of Phonetic Plans: Evidence from Apraxia of Speech. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24, 631-661.
- (2008). Learning a Syllable from Its Part: Cross-Syllabic Generalisation Effects in Patients with Apraxia of Speech. Aphasiology, 22(11), 1216-1229.
- (2008). Segmentales Und Silbisches Lernen Bei Sprechapraxie: Eine Studie Zur Erhebung von Lern- Und Transfereffekten. Forum Logopädie, 22, 2-9.
- (2008). Voice as Materialistic Principle (Reply to Commentary). Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 42(1), 121-127.
- (2008). Pour Une Notion de La Forme Linguistique Comme Forme Vécue. Une Approche Avec Jakubinskj, Vološinov et Vygotskij. Langage et pensée : Union Soviétique 1920-1930. Cahiers de l'ILSL, 24, 5-28.
- (2008). Voice: A Pathway to Consciousness as Social Contact to Oneself. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 92--113, 42(1), 92-113.
- (2008). Dialogical Practices as Basis for Self. Studia Psychologica, VI(8), 173-193.
- (2008). Effectiveness of Metrical Pacing in the Treatment of Apraxia of Speech. Aphasiology, 22, 77-102.
- (2008). The Aerodynamics of Nasalization in French. Journal of Phonetics - J PHONETICS, 36, 578-606.
- (2008). Compensation for Coarticulation, /u/-Fronting, and Sound Change in Standard Southern British: An Acoustic and Perceptual Study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5), 2825-2835.
- (2008). Die Dysarthrie Der Progressiven Supranukleären Blickparese (PSP) Im Vergleich Zur Dysarthrie Des Idiopathischen Parkinson-Syndroms (IPS): Überlegungen Zur Differentialdiagnose. NeuroGeriatrie, 5(2), 51-56.
- (2008). Verlauf Und Schweregrad Der Dysarthrie Bei Patienten Mit Progressiver Supranukleärer Blickparese (PSP) Und Idiopathischem Parkinson-Syndrom (IPS). Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 14(5), 247-253.
- (2008). Phonetic Variability and Grammatical Knowledge. An Articulatory Study of Korean Place Assimilation. Phonology, 25(3).
- (2008). An Evaluation of the Aurora System as a Flesh-Point Tracking Tool for Speech Production Research. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 917-921.
- (2008). Magyar Magánhangzók Vizsgálata Elektromágneses Artikulográffal Gyors És Las\'su Beszédben. Beszédkutatás, 52-66.
- (2008). Verständlichkeitsmessung Mit MVP-Online: Einflussfaktoren Und Validitätsaspekte. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 32, 1-7.
- (2008). Auditorisch-Motorische Integration Beim Schnellen Nachsprechen: Die Neuronalen Korrelate Des Shadowing. Spektrum Patholinguistik, 1, 165-168.
- (2008). The Role of a Coda Consonant as Error Trigger in Repetition Tasks. Journal of Phonetics, 36, 114-140.
- (2008). Articulatory Coordination in English and German Onset and Coda Clusters. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5), 332-9.
- (2008). Automatic Correction of Part-of-Speech Corpora. Speech and Language Technology, 11, 167-174.
- (2008). English Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion and Evaluation. Speech and Language Technology, 11, 159-166.
- (2008). Functional Connectivity Analysis of Speech Motor Control: An fMRI Study. Brain and Language.
- (2008). The Influence of Syllable Onset Complexity and Syllable Frequency on Speech Motor Control. Brain and Language, 107, 102-113.
- (2008). Syllable Frequency and Syllable Structure in the Spontaneous Speech Production of Patients with Apraxia of Speech. Aphasiology, 22, 1201-1215.
- (2008). The Domain of Phonetic Encoding in Apraxia of Speech: Which Sub-Lexical Units Count?. Aphasiology, 22(11), 1230-1247.
- (2008). Clinical Assessment of Intelligibility in Dysarthria: A Pilot-Investigation of MVP-online. Journal of Communication Disorders, 41, 553-577.
- (2008). Telediagnostic Assessment of Intelligibility in Dysarthria: A Pilot Investigation of MVP-Online. Journal of Communication Disorder, 41, 553-577.
- (2008). Editorial. Aphasiology, 22, 1123-1126.
- (2007). Sprechapraxie. Neurolinguistik, 21, 7-28.
- (2007). On the Notion of Voice: An Exploration from a Psycholinguistic Perspective with Developmental Implications. International Journal for Dialogical Science, 2(1), 133-161.
- (2007). Die Stimme: Erkundung Eines Konzepts Und Eines Phänomens. Paragrana, 16(2), 136-148.
- (2007). Encountering Objects and Others as a Means of Passage. Culture & Psychology, 13(3), 335-352.
- (2007). Le Vécu de La Langue Dans La Forme et La Voix. Une Approche Avec Jakubinskij et Volochinov. Slavica Occitania, 25, 417-435.
- (2007). Looking at Meaning as Movement in Development: Introductory Reflections on the Developmental Origins of the Dialogical Self. International Journal for Dialogical Science, 2(1), 1-13.
- (2007). Koordination Kognitiver Funktionen Nach Traumatischen Hirnverletzungen. Neurodate aktuell.
- (2007). Verb Generation in Children and Adolescents with Acute Cerebellar Lesions. Neuropsychologia, 45(5), 977-988.
- (2007). Verb Generation Is Preserved in Children and Adolescents with Acute Cerebellar Lesions. Neuropsychologia, 45, 977-988.
- (2007). Dynamic Action Units Slip in Speech Production Errors. Cognition, 103(3), 386-412.
- (2007). Contrasting Spatial Hearing Deficits in Hemianopia and Spatial Neglect. NeuroReport.
- (2007). Prosodic Strengthening Effects on the Duration and Voicing Assimilation of German Fricatives. Journal of Phonetics, 35, 301-320.
- (2007). Articulatory Parameters in Consonant Production after Tumour Surgery: A Real-Time MRI Investigation. Archives of Acoustics, 32(1), 1-11.
- (2007). Jaw and Order. Language & Speech, 50(2), 145-176.
- (2007). Tongue Kinematics during Utterances Elicited with the SLIP Technique. Language and Speech, 50(3), 311-341.
- (2007). Cognitive Functions in Patients with MR-defined Chronic Focal Cerebellar Lesions. J.Neurol.
- (2006). Acquisition of Romanian Pronominal Clitics. Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 5, 17-44.
- (2006). Voicing Alterations in Icelandic - a Photoglottographic and Acoustic Investigation. aipuk, 37, 63-82.
- (2006). An Acoustic Analysis of `happy-Tensing' in the Queen's Christmas Broadcasts. Journal of Phonetics, 34, 439-457.
- (2006). Five-Dimensional Articulography. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie 14, Supplement June 2006, 5-7.
- (2006). Untersuchung Nonverbaler Funktionen in Der Dysarthriediagnostik. Forum Logopaedie, 1-6.
- (2006). Inter-Articulator Cohesion within Coronal Consonant Production. J. Acoustical Society of America, 120(2), 1028-1039.
- (2006). Audio-Visual Matching of Speech and Non-Speech Oral Gestures in Patients with Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech. Neuropsychologia, 44(4), 546-555.
- (2005). Frequenzen Sublexikalischer Einheiten Des Deutschen: CELEX-basierte Datenbanken. Neurolinguistik, 19, 5-31.
- (2005). Neue Wege in Der Aphasiediagnostik: LeMo - Ein Modellorientiertes Diagnostikverfahren. Forum Logopädie, 19(4), 12-19.
- (2005). Is There a Need to Control for Sublexical Frequencies?. Brain and Language, 95, 170-171.
- (2005). Psycholinguistische Studien 2. .
- (2005). Analysing Fundamental Frequency Contours and Speech Rate in Map Task Dialogs. Speech Communication, 46(3-4), 310-325.
- (2005). Asymmetries in the Perception of Speech Production Errors. Journal of Phonetics, 33, 47-75.
- (2005). A Re-Evaluation of the Nature of Speech Errors in Normal and Disordered Speakers. Phonetica, 62, 227-243.
- (2005). Characterizing the Motor Execution Stage of Speech Production: Consonantal Effects on Delayed Naming Latency and Onset Duration. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 31(5), 1083-1095.
- (2005). Children and Adolescents with Chronic Cerebellar Lesions Show No Clinically Relevant Signs of Aphasia or Neglect. J.Neurophysiol, 94(6), 4108-4120.
- (2005). Incidence of Dysarthria in Children with Cerebellar Tumors: A Prospective Study. Brain and Language, 92, 153-167.
- (2005). Wiederherstellende Verfahren Bei Gestörter Sprechfunktion (Dysarthrie, Dysglossie). Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 84 Suppl 1, 213-221.
- (2005). A Nonlinear Model of Word Length Effects in Apraxia of Speech. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22(5), 603-623.
- (2004). Segmental and Metrical Encoding in Aphasia: Two Case Reports. Aphasiology, 18(12), 1201-1211.
- (2004). Sprechapraxie Und Die Silbe: Theoretische Überlegungen, Empirische Beobachtungen Und Therapeutische Konsequenzen. Forum Logopädie, 18(2), 6-13.
- (2004). Syllable Frequency and Syllable Structure in Apraxia of Speech. Brain and Language, 88, 148-159.
- (2004). Erfahrungen Mit Individuellen Therapiezielen Bei Patienten Mit Aphasie. Die Sprachheilarbeit.
- (2004). Speaker-Specific Kinematic Properties of Alveolar Reductions in English and German. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 18, 559-575.
- (2004). MRT-Sequenzen Als Datenbasis Eines Visuellen Artikulationsmodells. HNO, 52(9), 837-843.
- (2004). Die Behandlung von Wortabrufstörungen Bei Aphasie: Eine Methodenvergleichende Studie Zum Bildbenennen. Die Sprachheilarbeit, 49(6), 276-283.
- (2004). Effects of Lexical Stress on Spoken Word Form Generation. Brain and Language, 87.
- (2004). Effects of Metrical and Segmental Cues on Word Retrieval in Aphasia. Brain and Language.
- (2004). A Real-Time MRI Evaluation of Consonant Production after Oral Tumour Surgery. Grazer Linguistische Studien, 62, 77-94.
- (2004). Die Bogenhausener Dysarthrieskalen (BODYS): Ein Instrument Für Die Klinische Dysarthriediagnostik. Forum Logopädie, 18(2), 14-22.
- (2004). Cerebellar Mutism. Report of Four Cases. Journal of Neurology, 251, 963-972.
- (2004). Preserved Verb Generation in Patients with Cerebellar Atrophy. Neuropsychologia, 42, 1235-1246.
- (2004). Preaspiration in Sienese Italian: Some Acoustic Evidence. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 35-45.
- (2004). Hyperarticulation without a Hyperspace Effect. Language and Speech, 47(2), 155-174.
- (2004). Vowel Targets without a Hyperspace Effect. Language, 80(3), 377-378.
- (2004). Rezeptive Prosodieverarbeitung Nach Hirnschädigung: Eine Literaturübersicht Und Ein Modell. Neurolinguistik, 18, 39-78.
- (2003). Theoretische Und Therapeutische Aspekte Der Sprechapraxie. Forum Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, 6(18), 2-4.
- (2003). Experimentelle Überprüfung Der Psycholinguistischen Relevanz von Konstituenten. Jahrbuch der Ungarischen Germanistik, 157-180.
- (2003). Factors Affecting Picture Naming in Aphasic Patients. Brain and Cognition, 53, 10-5.
- (2003). Speech Evaluation and Swallowing Ability after Intra-Oral Cancer. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 17, 411-420.
- (2003). Referential Subject and Object Gaps in Modern Icelandic. Nordlyd, 31(2), 361-375.
- (2003). Psycholinguistische Studien 1. .
- (2003). Implicit Processing of Prosodic Information in Patients with Left and Right Hemisphere Stroke. Aphasiology, 17(9), 861-879.
- (2003). Speech Motor Control Is Task-Specific. Evidence from Dysarthria and Apraxia of Speech. Aphasiology, 17(1), 3-36.
- (2003). To Speak or Not to Speak: Distinctions between Speech and Nonspeech Motor Control. A Reply to Ballard, Robin and Folkins. Aphasiology, 17(2), 99-105.
- (2003). Zur Autonomie Sprechmotorischer Kontrollfunktionen. Forum Logopädie, 17, 6-13.
- (2003). Models and Mechanisms of Neuromotor Impairments of Speaking: Distinctions between Speech and Nonspeech Motor Control. Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Speech Production, Sydney, December 7 to 10, 2003, 320-324.
- (2003). Sprechapraxie Nach Schlaganfall. Aphasie und Schlaganfall, 90, 8-11.
- (2003). The Influence of Oral Cavity Tumour Treatment on the Voice Quality and on Fundamental Frequency. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 17(4-5), 273-282.
- (2002). Speech Motor Programming in Apraxia of Speech. Journal of Phonetics, 30, 321-335.
- (2002). Untersuchung von Sprechleistung Und Schluckvermögen Vor Und Nach Einer Zungenlösung Bei Patienten Mit Mundhöhlenkarzinomen. Forschungsberichte Institut für Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation der Universität München, 39, 11-16.
- (2002). Asymmetries in Speech Errors and Their Implications for Underspecification. ZAS Papers in Linguistics. Papers on Phonetics and Phonology: The Articulation, Acoustics and Perception of Consonants, 28, 73-82.
- (2002). 358534 Nonwords: The ARC Nonword Database. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55A(4), 1339-1362.
- (2002). Computereinsatz Beim Schriftspracherwerb von Jugendlichen. Die neue Sonderschule, 47(6), 37-48.
- (2002). Auditive Methoden in Der Neurophonetik. Neurolinguistik, 16(1-2), 5-190.
- (2002). Psycholinguistic and Motor Theories of Apraxia of Speech. Seminars in Speech and Language, 23(4), 231-243.
- (2002). Task-Related Factors in Oral Motor Control: Speech and Oral Diadochokinesis in Dysarthria and Apraxia of Speech. Brain and Language, 80, 556-575.
- (2001). Sprechen, Denken, Lesen Und Schreiben. DIE, Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung, II(7), 34-36.
- (2001). Das Gilgamesch-Projekt. Alphabetisierung Und Grundbildung Aus Psycholinguistischer Sicht. Alfa-Forum. Zeitschrift für Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung, 46, 31-35.
- (2001). Guest Editors for Special Issue on Speech Annotation and Corpora. Speech Communication, 33, 1-174.
- (2001). Speech Annotation and Corpus Tools. Speech Communication, 33(1-4).
- (2001). Multi-Level Annotation in the Emu Speech Database Management System. Speech Communication, 33, 61-77.
- (2001). High Rising Terminals and Fall-Rise Tunes in Australian English. Phonetica, 58, 215-229.
- (2001). Prosodie Und Sprachverstehen Bei Patienten Mit Hirnschädigung. Aphasie, 15, 43-61.
- (2001). The Processing of Prosodic Patterns in Patients with Unilateral Brain Lesions. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 15(1/2), 85-89.
- (2001). Repetitive Optokinetische Stimulation (R-OKS) Zur Behandlung Des Multimodalen Neglects. Neurol.Rehabil, 7(4), 179-184.
- (2001). Apraxia of Speech Is Not a Lexical Disorder. Aphasiology, 15(1), 74-77.
- (2001). Spatial Processing of Spoken Words in Aphasia and in Neglect. Cortex, 37, 754-756.
- (2000). The Synchronization Paradigm in the Treatment of Apraxia of Speech. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 13, 254-257.
- (2000). Does Word Bisection Reveal Spared Phonological Processing in Aphasic Patients?. Journal of Neurolinguistics.
- (2000). Does the Queen Speak the Queen's English?. Nature, 408, 927-928.
- (2000). Monophthongal Vowel Changes in Received Pronunciation: An Acoustic Analysis of the Queen's Christmas Broadcasts. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 30, 63-78.
- (2000). Speech Disorders after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Kinematic Analysis of Syllable Repetitions Using Electromagnetic Articulography. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 187-196.
- (2000). Metrical Information as a Cue in Picture Naming. J.Neurolinguist.
- (2000). Reading Aloud Begins When the Computation of Phonology Finishes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 1178-1191.
- (2000). Acoustic Evidence for Vowel Change in New Zealand English. Language Variation and Change, 12, 51-68.
- (1999). Spuren Des Gesprächs in Innerer Sprache. Versuch Einer Analyse Der Dialogischen Anteile Des Lauten Denkens. Sprache & Kognition, 18(1/2), 4-19.
- (1999). Sprechgeschwindigkeit Bei Kompensatorischer Artikulation von Patienten Mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 51, 272-286.
- (1999). Airflow Tracking in Patients with Ataxic Disorders. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 13, 433-447.
- (1999). Processing of Conversational and Discourse Information in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 14, 215-216.
- (1999). Articulatory Discriminability of Vowels: Articulator and Corpus Effects. J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 105(2, Pt.2), 140-0.
- (1999). On the Lingual Organization of the German Vowel System. J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 106(2), 1020-1032.
- (1999). Values and Limitations of Pharyngolaryngoscopy in Patients with Dysphagia. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 51, 172-182.
- (1999). Acoustic Evidence for Dynamic Formant Trajectories in Australian English Vowels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106, 458-468.
- (1998). Perzeptive Und Apparative Untersuchungen Der Stimmqualität Bei Patienten Mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Laryngo- Rhino- Otologie, 77, 700-708.
- (1998). An Acoustic Comparison between New Zealand and Australian English Vowels. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 18(2), 185-208.
- (1998). Zentrale Kontrolle Der Sprechmotorik. Forum Logopädie, 12(1), 5-9.
- (1997). Eros Und Metapher. der blaue reiter. Journal für Philosophie, 2(6), 35-38.
- (1997). Computegestützte Akustische Sprechanalyse Bei Patienten Mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Biomedizinische Technik, 42(S2), 93-94.
- (1997). The Processing of Verbal and Nonverbal Emotional Information in Patients with Unilateral Brain Damage. Exp.Brain Res, 117(S), 4-7.
- (1997). Verarbeitung Emotionaler Prosodischer Information Bei Patienten Mit Hirnschädigung. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 1(S), 5-5.
- (1997). Patterns of Laryngeal Apraxia in Two Patients with Broca's Aphasia. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 11(6), 429-442.
- (1997). Spoken Language Resources for Australian Speech Technology. Journal Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Australia, 1, 13-23.
- (1997). PHONX - Ein Computergestütztes Experimentiersystem Zur Analyse, Diagnose Und Therapie Zentral Bedingter Störungen von Sprachverarbeitungsprozessen. Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, 39, 33-38.
- (1997). Die Bedeutung Der Stammganglien Für Die Sprachproduktion. Neurolinguistik, 12, 133-166.
- (1997). The Timing of Covert Articulation in Motor Speech Disorders. Experimental Brain Research, 117(S), 49-49.
- (1997). The Role of the Left Mesial Frontal Cortex in Fluent Speech: Evidence from a Case of Left Supplementary Motor Area Hemorrhage. Neuropsychologia, 35(9), 1197-1208.
- (1996). Acquired Dysfluencies Following Infarction of the Left Mesiofrontal Cortex. Aphasiology, 10, 409-417.
- (1996). Competing Hypotheses Concerning the Articulation of Stress in English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99, 249-4.
- (1996). Acoustic (Non)Consequences of Gestural Variability in the Production of Accentual Prominence (A). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100, 282-6.
- (1996). Phonetic Evidence for the Phonological Status of the Tense-Lax Distinction in German. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100(4/2), 269-1.
- (1996). Emotionen in Neurolinguistik Und Lexikologie. Ein Forschungsüberblick. Lexicology, 2(1), 34-62.
- (1996). Towards a Three Dimensional Articulographic System. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100(4/2), 266-2.
- (1996). Covert Disfluency in a Patient with Left Medial Frontal Hemorrhage. Aphasiology.
- (1996). Speech Timing in Ataxic Disorders: Sentence Production and Rapid Repetitive Articulation. Neurology, 47, 208-214.
- (1995). Der Akinetische Mutismus - Eine Literaturübersicht. Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 63, 59-67.
- (1995). The Place of Articulation Distinction in Voiced Oral Stops: Evidence from Burst Spectra and Formant Transitions. Phonetica, 52, 263-284.
- (1995). Coproduction, Accent and the Tense/Lax Contrast. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 98(5/2).
- (1995). An Analysis of Truncation and Linear Rescaling in the Production of Accented and Unaccented Vowels. Journal of Phonetics, 23, 305-322.
- (1995). On Loops. Journal of phonetics, 23, 3-21.
- (1995). Gröse Phonetik Und Kleine Phonetik. Phonetica, 52, 144-159.
- (1995). Double-Blind Cross-over Study with Levorotatory Form of Hydroxytryptophan in Patients with Degenerative Cerebellar Diseases. Archives of Neurology, 52, 451-455.
- (1994). Acoustic Analysis of Vocal Instability in Cerebellar Dysfunction. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology, 103, 98-104.
- (1994). Mutismus Bei Zentralmotorischen Störungen: Eine Literaturübersicht. Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 62, 337-344.
- (1994). Combined Palatal-Lift and EPG-feedback Therapy in Dysarthria: A Case Study. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 8, 201-218.
- (1994). The Contribution of the Murmur and Vowel to the Place of Articulation Distinction in Nasal Consonants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, 19-32.
- (1994). Target and Dynamic Theories of Vowel Perception: Evidence from a Large Speech Corpus. Language and Speech, 37, 357-373.
- (1994). Do Air-Stream Mechanisms Influence Tongue Movement Paths?. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95, 282-1.
- (1994). Amphetamine in Apraxia of Speech. Neuropsychopharmacology, 10, 22-6.
- (1994). Regenerating the Spectral Shapes of [s] and [S] from a Limited Set of Articulatory Parameters. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, 33-39.
- (1994). Within-Utterance Variations in the Emotional Impression of Speech: Dimensions and Acoustic Correlates of Perceived Emotion. The German Journal of Psychology, 18, 149-151.
- (1994). Zum Einflüs Der Text-Bild-Korrespondenz Und Der Schnittposition Auf Das Erinnern von Fernsehnachrichten. Medienpsychologie, 6, 168-198.
- (1994). Prüfung Der Verständlichkeit Dysarthrischer Patienten: I. Grundlagen. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 18, 24-28.
- (1994). Prüfung Der Verständlichkeit Dysarthrischer Patienten: II. Methoden. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 18, 111-116.
- (1994). Mutismus Und Aphasie - Eine Literaturübersicht. Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 62, 366-371.
- (1994). PC-gestützte Methoden in Der Untersuchung Zerebraler Sprechstörungen. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 18, 144-145.
- (1993). Prosodische Störungen Bei Neurologischen Erkrankungen - Eine Literaturübersicht. Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 61, 241-253.
- (1993). Dysarthria in Bilateral Thalamic Infarction. Journal of Neurology, 240, 357-362.
- (1993). Control of Vocal Intensity: A Computer-Based System for the Assessment and Treatment of Neurogenic Voice Disorders. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 1365-1366.
- (1993). Computer-Based Auditory Analysis of Neurogenic Speech Disorders. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 1363-1364.
- (1993). Wodurch Können Sprechapraktische Symptome Beeinflubt Werden?. Aphasie und verwandte Gebiete, 6, 4-15.
- (1993). The Mu+ System for Corpus-Based Speech Research. Computer Speech Language, 7, 305-331.
- (1993). Speech Iterations in Parkinsonism: A Case Study. Aphasiology, 7, 395-406.
- (1993). A Comparative Investigation of Coarticulation in Fricatives: Electropalatographic, Electromagnetic and Acoustic Data. Language and Speech, 36, 235-260.
- (1993). Der Metrische Übungsansatz in Der Sprechapraxiebehandlung: Ein Fallbericht. Neurolinguistik, 7, 31-41.
- (1993). Der Metrische Uebungsansatz in Der Sprechapraxiebehandlung: Ein Fallbericht. Neurolinguistik, 31-41.
- (1993). A New Approach to Speaker Adaptation by Modelling Pronunciation in Automatic Speech Recognition. Speech Communication, 13, 281-286.
- (1993). PhonX - A Flexible System for Experimentation, Assessment, and Therapy in Neurophonetics. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 1367-1368.
- (1993). Äüserungsinterne Änderungen Des Emotionalen Eindrucks Mündlicher Sprache: Dimensionen Und Akustische Korrelate Der Eindruckswirkung. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, 40, 644-675.
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- (1999). MoDiaS - a PC-based System for Routine Acoustic Analysis of Neurogenic Speech Disorders. In Maassen, B., Groenen, P. (eds.), Pathologies of Speech and Language. Advances in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics (pp. 315-321). Whurr.
- (1999). Acoustic Assessment of Neurogenic Voice Disorders in a Clinical Setting. In Manfredi, C., Bruscaglioni, P. (eds.), Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications. Universitiy of Firenze.
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- (1999). Sprechapraxie. In Hopf, H.C., Deuschl, G., Diener, H.C., Reichmann, H. (eds.), Neurologie in Klinik Und Praxis (pp. 149-149). Thieme.
- (1999). Assessment of Auditory Word Comprehension in Aphasia. In Maassen, B., Groenen, P. (eds.), Advances in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics. Whurr.
- (1998). Psycholinguistik. In Grubitzsch, S., Weber, K. (eds.), Psychologische Grundbegriffe. Ein Handbuch (pp. 453-455). Rowohlt.
- (1998). Control of Speech Rate and Rhythm in Patients with Left Hemisphere Lesions. In Ziegler, W., Deger, K. (eds.), Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics (pp. 405-413). Whurr.
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Konferenzbeiträge (508)
- (Angenommen). Der Phonologische Zugang Zur Schrift Im Deutschen. In Proc. Symposium Deutsch Didaktik, Sektion 7, Orthographie.
- (2023). Intrinsic Fundamental Frequency Differences in Two Tonal Austronesian Languages. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 3345-3349).
- (2023). Analysis of Transcriptions Using Octra -- a Pilot Study. In Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2023 Tagungsband der 34. Konferenz (pp. 17-23).
- (2023). Perceptual Adaptation to Altered Cue Informativeness: Distributional, Auditory, and Lexical Factors. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 137-141).
- (2023). A Longitudinal Study of Contrastive Length in Albanian-speaking Children. In Proceedings of BUCLD 47 (pp. 421-431).
- (2023). Analyzing Variability in Closure Voicing and Co-Intrinsic F0 in Central Standard Swedish. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 2244-2248).
- (2023). So near yet so Far: Fine Phonetic Differences in Tonal Alignment and Temporal Structure in Close Contact Varieties. In Proc. of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- (2023). The Emergence of Obstruent-Intrinsic F0 and VOT as Cues to the Fortis/Lenis Contrast in West Central Bavarian. In Proc. Interspeech 2023.
- (2023). Compensatory Lengthening and Polysyllabic Shortening in the Gheg Dialect of Albanian. In Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 3257-3261).
- (2023). Phonotactically Driven Cue Weighting in a Sound Change in Progress: Acoustic Evidence from West Central Bavarian. In Proc. of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- (2022). A Romanization System and WebMAUS Aligner for Arabic Varieties. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 7269-7276).
- (2022). Coarticulatory Effects on /u/ and /y/ in Female and Male Speakers of German. In Ultrafest X.
- (2022). On the Role of Asymmetry in Prosodic Change of Consonant Duration: Results from an Agent-Based Model with Two German Varieties. In Proceedings Speech Prosody.
- (2022). La Aspiración de /s/ En Andaluz: El (Largo) Camino de La Post-Lexicalidad a La Fonologización. In CILPR.
- (2022). From Post-Lexicality to Phonologization: Andalusian /s/-Aspiration at the Word Boundary. In Proceedings of the Laboratory Phonology 18.
- (2022). The Crooked Relationship between Tongue Shift and F2 in /u/-/y/-Transitions. In 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control.
- (2022). Effects of Voiceless and Pregottalized Nasals on F0 in Eastern Khmu (Kmhmu' Am). In Papers from the 30th Conference of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (pp. 318-333).
- (2022). Nasal Coda Loss in the Chengdu Dialect of Mandarin: Evidence from RT-MRI. In Proc. Interspeech 2022.
- (2021). Realization of F0 on Vocalic and Consonantal Nuclei in Slovak. In Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 40-43).
- (2021). Ravensbrück Interviews: How to Curate Legacy Data to Make It CLARIN Compliant. In Proc. of CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 (pp. 1-9).
- (2021). A Dynamic Analysis of the Sound Change towards More Pre-Aspiration in Aberystwyth English. In Proceedings of the PaPE.
- (2021). Data-Driven Analysis of Nasal Vowels Dynamics and Coordination: Results for Bilabial Contexts. In Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language.
- (2021). Incorporating Tone in the Calculation of Phonotactic Probability. In Proceedings of the 18th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology (pp. 32-38).
- (2021). Dialect Features in Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Gheg Speaking Communities. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2021 (pp. 1449-1453).
- (2021). MEMNON: Extending Speech Production Studies to Silent Speech, Dynamic Sounds and Audivisual Speech Synthesis. In Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language.
- (2021). Change and Stability in the Tonal Contours of King Rama IX of Thailand, 1959-1997. In 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI) (pp. 66-70).
- (2020). Collaborative Quantitative Analysis of RT-MRI. In Proccedings International Seminar on Speech Production.
- (2020). First Results of an RT-MRI Study on the Influence of Context in the Synchronization of European Portuguese Nasal Vowels. In Proccedings International Seminar on Speech Production.
- (2020). On Principles of Phonetic Archiving: From Paleo-Phonetics to Modern Speech Data Management. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on History of Speech Communication Research (pp. 41-47).
- (2020). A CLARIN Transcription Portal for Interview Data. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 3353-3359).
- (2020). Word-Specific Phonological Categorisations in a Computational Model of the New Zealand English NEAR/SQUARE Merger. In Laboratory Phonology 17 Satellite Workshop.
- (2020). An Autosegmental-Metrical Analysis of Rising Contours in Standard Albanian. In Proc. 10th Speech Prosody Conference.
- (2020). Effects of Prosodic Prominence on Obstruent-Intrinsic F0 and VOT in German. In Proc. 10th Speech Prosody Conference.
- (2020). Implicit Dialect Association and Accommodation: First Results from a Pilot Study on German Bavarian and Austrian Tyrolean. In Proc. Conference on Phonetics & Phonology in German-speaking Countries (P&P 14).
- (2020-05-11/2020-05-16). Building a Time-Aligned Cross-Linguistic Reference Corpus from Language Documentation Data (DoReCo). In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 2657-2666).
- (2020). Sur Le Voisement Des Consonnes Fricatives Finales En Français Du Québec. In Actes Des XXXIIIes Journées d'études Sur La Parole (JEP) (pp. 552-560).
- (2020). Strategies and Suggestions for Singing in Foreign Languages Based on Phonetic Musical Notation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation -- TENOR'20/21 (pp. 63-67).
- (2019). Obstruent Devoicing and Registrogenesis in Chru. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 517-521).
- (2019). Modelling an Ongoing Sound Change in the East Franconian Dialect by Means of an Agent-Based Model. In Tagungsband Der 15. Tagung Phonetik Und Phonologie Im Deutschsprachigen Raum.
- (2019). On the Role of Oral Configurations in European Portuguese Nasal Vowels. In Interspeech.2019-2897 (pp. 3332-3336).
- (2019). Comprehension of Non-Linguistic Vocalizations across Cultures. In International Cognitive Linguistics Conference.
- (2019). Tracking the New Zealand English NEAR/SQUARE Merger Using Functional Principal Components Analysis. In Proceedings of the Interspeech 2019 (pp. 296-300).
- (2019). Zooming in on Spatiotemporal V-to-C Coarticulation with Functional PCA. In Interspeech 2019 (pp. 889-893).
- (2019). Durational and Spectral Cues to Language Rhythm in Four German Varieties. In 15. Tagung Phonetik Und Phonologie Im Deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P).
- (2019). Acoustic Analysis of Onset Voicing in Dzongkha Obstruents. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- (2019). Perception of Laryngeal Contrast in Madurese. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 2378-2382).
- (2019). Styrian Dialect Classification: Comparing and Fusing Classifiers Based on a Feature Selection Using a Genetic Algorithm. In Proceedings of the Interspeech 2019 (pp. 2393-2397).
- (2019). Dialect Contact, Perceptual Divergence, and the Potential Instability of the /s, ç, S/ Contrast in Standard German. In 41. Jahrestagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS).
- (2019). Sprachrhythmische Unterschiede in Mittelbairischen Dialekten Und Süddeutschen Standardvarietäten. In 14. Bayerisch-Österreichische Dialektologentagung (BÖDT).
- (2019). Temporal Organization of Vowel plus Stop Sequences in Production and Perception: Evidence from the Three Major Varieties of German. In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 825-829).
- (2019). BAS Web Services for Automatic Subtitle Creation and Anonymization. In Proceedings of the Interspeech 2019 (pp. 3671-3672).
- (2019). Vowel and Consonant Quantity in Southern German Varieties: Typology, Variation, and Change. In 3rd Phonetics and Phonology in Europe Conference (PaPE).