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The “Research Reports of the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Communications” (FIPKM, “Forschungseberichte des Instituts für Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation“) were edited and published for 39 volumes until the series was discontinued in 2002. Some of the volumes published between 1996 and 2002 are available online. Others are available in print at request.
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Klingler, N., Kleber, F., Jochim, M., Pucher, M., Schmid, S., Zihlmann, U. (2019). Temporal Organization of Vowel plus Stop Sequences in Production and Perception: Evidence from the Three Major Varieties of German. In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 825-829).
@inproceedings{klinglerTemporalOrganizationVowel2019, title = {Temporal Organization of Vowel plus Stop Sequences in Production and Perception: Evidence from the Three Major Varieties of {{German}}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th {{International Congress}} of {{Phonetic Sciences}}, {{Melbourne}}, {{Australia}} 2019}, author = {Klingler, Nicola and Kleber, Felicitas and Jochim, Markus and Pucher, Michael and Schmid, Stephan and Zihlmann, Urban}, editor = {Calhoun, Sasha and Escudero, Paola and Tabain, Marija and Warren, Paul}, year = {2019}, pages = {825--829}, publisher = {{Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.}}, address = {Canberra, Australia}, abstract = {This study investigated cross-linguistically the temporal organization of short vs. long vowels (V vs. V:) with following lenis vs. fortis (C vs. C:) stops in disyllabic trochees in the three major varieties of Standard German (Austrian, German, and Swiss). A total of 51 speakers of the three varieties participated in a production and perception experiment. Acoustic analyses revealed that Austrian speakers take up an intermediate position regarding a stop duration contrast which was clearly present in Swiss but absent in German speakers. In perception, however, Austrians and Germans but not Swiss participants judged stimuli from a vowel/(vowel+closure) duration (VC-ratio) continuum more often as containing V:C, i.e., intermediate VC-ratios were reinterpreted as long vowels by Austrians and Germans, but as fortis stops by Swiss participants. Findings suggest a sometimes less stable temporal organization in Austrians. Moreover, results imply a greater diversity in phonological structure between German varieties than previously assumed.}, isbn = {978-0-646-80069-1} }
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