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The “Research Reports of the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Communications” (FIPKM, “Forschungseberichte des Instituts für Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation“) were edited and published for 39 volumes until the series was discontinued in 2002. Some of the volumes published between 1996 and 2002 are available online. Others are available in print at request.
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Pittayaporn, P., Kirby, J. (2017). Laryngeal Contrasts in the Tai Dialect of Cao Bằng. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 47(1), 65-85.
@article{pittayapornLaryngealContrastsTai2017, title = {Laryngeal Contrasts in the {{Tai}} Dialect of {{Cao Bằng}}}, author = {Pittayaporn, Pittayawat and Kirby, James}, year = {2017}, journal = {Journal of the International Phonetic Association}, volume = {47}, number = {1}, pages = {65--85}, abstract = {The Tai dialect spoken in Cao Bằng province, Vietnam, is at an intermediate stage between tonal register split and the accompanying transphonologization of a voicing contrast into a dual-register tone system. While the initial sonorants have completely lost their historical voicing distinction and developed a six-way tonal contrast, the obstruent series still preserves the original voicing contrast, leaving the tonal split incomplete. This paper presents the first acoustic study of tones and onsets in Cao Bằng Tai. Although f0, VOT, and voice quality were all found to play a role in the system of laryngeal contrasts, the three speakers considered varied in terms of the patterns of acoustic cues used to distinguish between onset types, particularly the breathy voiced onset //. From the diachronic perspective, our findings may help to explain why the reflex of modal pre-voiced stops (*b) can be either aspirated or unaspirated voiceless stops.}, annotation = {Supplementary materials} }
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