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Das IPS hat seit seiner Gründung 1972 in 39 Ausgaben die „Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Phonetik und sprachliche Kommunikation der Universität München (FIPKM)“ herausgegeben. 2002 wurde die Reihe eingestellt. Einige der Ausgaben zwischen 1996 und 2002 sind online abrufbar. Andere Ausgaben sind auf Anfrage in gedruckter Form erhältlich.
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Herausgegebene Bände (1)
Artikel (40)
- (2023). Language Specificity vs Speaker Variability of Anticipatory Labial Coarticulation in German and English. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.
- (2023). The Window of Opportunity: Anticipatory Nasal Coarticulation in Three Languages. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.
- (2023). Larynx Raising in English Word-Final Ejective Stops: A Real-Time MRI Study. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.
- (2023). What French Speakers' Nasal Vowels Tell Us about Anticipatory Nasal Coarticulation. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.
- (2022). Advancements of Phonetics in the 21st Century: A Critical Appraisal of Time and Space in Articulatory Phonology. Journal of Phonetics, 95.
- (2022). Language and Cluster-Specific Effects in the Timing of Onset Consonant Sequences in Seven Languages. Journal of Phonetics, 93, 10115-3.
- (2020). Analyzing Speech in Both Time and Space: Generalized Additive Mixed Models Can Uncover Systematic Patterns of Variation in Vocal Tract Shape in Real-Time MRI. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 11(1), -.
- (2020). The Imitation of Coarticulatory Timing Patterns in Consonant Clusters for Phonotactically Familiar and Unfamiliar Sequences. Journal of Laboratory Phonology, 11(1).
- (2017). Öhman Returns: New Horizons in the Collection and Analysis of Articulatory Imaging Data. Computer Speech and Language, 45, 253-277.
- (2017). Articulatory Mechanisms Underlying Onset-Vowel Organization. Journal of Phonetics, 65, 1-14.
- (2017). Mixed Modeling for Irregularly Sampled and Correlated Functional Data: Speech Science Applications. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(2), 935-946.
- (2017). Speech Rate Effects in Russian Onset Clusters Are Modulated by Frequency, but Not Auditory Cue Robustness. Journal of Phonetics, 64, 108-126.
- (2017). The Difficulty of Articulatory Complexity. Journal of Cognitive Neuropsychology, 34(7-8), 472-475.
- (2016). Functional Linear Mixed Models for Irregularly or Sparsely Sampled Data. Statistical Modelling, 16(1), 67-88.
- (2016). Articulatory and Acoustic Characteristics of German Fricative Clusters. Phonetica, 73, 52-78.
- (2014). Articulatory Synergies in the Temporal Organization of Liquid Clusters in Romanian. Journal of Phonetics, 42, 24-36.
- (2014). The Relationship between Planning and Execution Is More than Duration: Response to Goldrick & Chu. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 29(9), 1097-1099.
- (2014). Voice Onset Time in Consonant Cluster Errors: Can Phonetic Accommodation Differentiate Cognitive from Motor Errors?. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57, 1577-1588.
- (2013). Recording Speech Articulaton in Dialogue: Evaluating a Synchronized Double Electromagnetic Articulography Setup. J. Phonetics, 41(6), 421-431.
- (2011). On the Phonetic Status of Syllabic Consonants: Evidence from Slovak. Journal of Laboratory Phonology, 2(2), 243-273.
- (2011). Investigating the Asymmetry of English Sibilant Assimilation: Acoustic and EPG Data. Journal of Laboratory Phonology, 2(1), 1-33.
- (2011). Spontaneously Occurring Speech Errors in the BAS Corpora. Stem-, Spraak-, en Taalpathologie, 17(Supplement), 9-3.
- (2010). Temporal Organization of Complex Onsets and Codas in American English: Testing the Predictions of a Gestural Coupling Model. Motor Control, 14(3), 380-407.
- (2010). Acoustic Consequences of Articulatory Variability during Productions of /t/ and /k/ and Its Implications for Speech Error Research. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127, 445-461.
- (2010). Temporal (in)Dependence of Segment-Internal Gestures in American English /l/. Poster presented at Laboratory Phonology 12, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- (2010). Intention in Articulation. Articulatory Timing in Alternating Consonant Sequences and Its Implications for Models of Speech Production. Language and Cognitive Processes, 25(5), 616-649.
- (2010). Conditioning Factors in External Sandhi: An EPG Study of Vocalisation and Retraction of Word-Final English /l/. J. Phonetics, 38(2), 240-259.
- (2010). The Role of Syllable Structure in External Sandhi: An EPG Study of Vocalisation and Retraction of Word-Final English /l/. Journal of Phonetics, 38(2), 240-259.
- (2008). Phonetic Variability and Grammatical Knowledge. An Articulatory Study of Korean Place Assimilation. Phonology, 25(3).
- (2008). An Evaluation of the Aurora System as a Flesh-Point Tracking Tool for Speech Production Research. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 917-921.
- (2008). The Role of a Coda Consonant as Error Trigger in Repetition Tasks. Journal of Phonetics, 36, 114-140.
- (2008). Articulatory Coordination in English and German Onset and Coda Clusters. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5), 332-9.
- (2007). Dynamic Action Units Slip in Speech Production Errors. Cognition, 103(3), 386-412.
- (2007). Tongue Kinematics during Utterances Elicited with the SLIP Technique. Language and Speech, 50(3), 311-341.
- (2005). Asymmetries in the Perception of Speech Production Errors. Journal of Phonetics, 33, 47-75.
- (2005). A Re-Evaluation of the Nature of Speech Errors in Normal and Disordered Speakers. Phonetica, 62, 227-243.
- (2004). Vowel Targets without a Hyperspace Effect. Language, 80(3), 377-378.
- (2004). Hyperarticulation without a Hyperspace Effect. Language and Speech, 47(2), 155-174.
- (2002). Asymmetries in Speech Errors and Their Implications for Underspecification. ZAS Papers in Linguistics. Papers on Phonetics and Phonology: The Articulation, Acoustics and Perception of Consonants, 28, 73-82.
Buchkapitel (14)
- (2020). Articulatory Phonology. In Aronoff, M. (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
- (2016). Spontaneously Occurring Speech Errors in German: BAS Corpora Analysis. In Gilles, A., Mititelu, V., Tufis, D., Vasilescu, I. (eds.), Errors by Humans and Machines in Multimedia, Multimodal and Multilingual Data Processing (pp. 75-90). Editura Academiei Române (Romanian Academy Press).
- (2016). Frontiers and Challenges in Speech Error Research: A Gestural Perspective on Speech Errors in Normal and Disordered Populations. In van Lieshout, P., Maasen, B., Terband, H. (eds.), Speech Motor Control in Normal and Disordered Speech: Future Developments in Theory and Methodology (pp. 257-274). American Speech, Language & Hearing Association.
- (2015). Interarticulatory Coordination: Speech Sounds. In Redford, M. (ed.), Handbook of Speech Production (pp. 133-157). Wiley-Blackwell.
- (2015). Between 'whims of Fashion' and 'Phonetic Law': Performance Constraints in Speech Production in the Face of Linguistic Diversity. In Vayra, M., Avesani, C., Tamburini, F. (eds.), Il Farsi e Disfarsi Del Linguaggio. Acquisizione, Mutamento e Destruttutrazione Della Strutura Sonora Del Linguagguo / Language Acquisition and Language Loss. Acquisition, Change and Disorders of the Language Sound Structure (pp. 41-57). AISV.
- (2014). The Temporal Organization of Speech. In Ferreira, V., Goldrick, M., Miozzo, M. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Production (pp. 210-227). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (2013). Future Directions in Speech Production. In Knight, R., Jones, M. (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Phonetics (pp. 242-259). Bloomsbury.
- (2013). Articulatory Coordination in Obstruent-Sonorant Clusters and Syllabic Consonants: Data and Modelling. In L. Spreafico, A. (ed.), Rhotics, New Data and Perspectives (pp. 81-97). Bolzano University Press.
- (2012). System Related Variation. In Cohn, A., Fougeron, C., Huffman, M. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Laboratory Phonology (pp. 115-130). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (2012). A Gestural Model of the Temporal Organization of Vowel Clusters. In Hoole, P., Pouplier, M., Bombien, L., Mooshammer, C., Kühnert, B. (eds.), Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity (pp. 177-204). Mouton de Gruyter.
- (2012). The Gestural Approach to Syllable Structure: Universal, Language- and Cluster-Specific Aspects. In Fuchs, S., Weirich, M., Pape, D., Perrier, P. (eds.), Speech Planning and Dynamics (pp. 63-96). Peter Lang.
- (2012). The Gaits of Speech: Re-Examining the Role of Articulatory Effort in Spoken Language. In Solé, M.-J., Recasens, D. (eds.), The Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, Production, and Social Factors (pp. 147-164). John Benjamins.
- (2011). The Atoms of Phonological Representations. In van Oostendorp, M., Rice, K., Hume, B., Ewen, C. (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Wiley-Blackwell.
- (2007). The Role of Gestural Overlap in Perceptual Place Assimilation in Korean. In Cole, J., Hualde, J. (eds.), Laboratory Phonology (pp. 507-534). Mouton de Gruyter.
Konferenzbeiträge (19)
- (2021). Realization of F0 on Vocalic and Consonantal Nuclei in Slovak. In Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 40-43).
- (2019). Zooming in on Spatiotemporal V-to-C Coarticulation with Functional PCA. In Interspeech 2019 (pp. 889-893).
- (2015). Phonemic Length and Phrasal Accent in Slovak Consonantal and Vocalic Nuclei. In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- (2015). Timing Patterns of Word-Initial Obstruent-Sonorant Clusters in Russian. In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- (2015). Onset-Vowel Timing as a Function of Coarticulation Resistance: Evidence from Articulatory Data. In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- (2015). Durational Characteristics and Timing Patterns of Russian Onset Clusters at Two Speaking Rates. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany (pp. 2679-2683).
- (2014). Functional Linear Mixed Model for Irregularly Spaced Phonetics Data. In Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (pp. 75-80).
- (2014). The Temporal Coordination of Polish Onset and Coda Clusters Containing Sibilants. In Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany, 5-8 May 2014.
- (2014). The Articulator Modeling of German Coronal Consonants Using TADA. In Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany, 5-8 May 2014.
- (2014). Perceptual and Articulatory Factors in German Fricative Assimilation. In Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany, 5-8 May 2014.
- (2013). A Preliminary Ultrasound Study of Nepali Lingual Articulations. In Proceedings of Meetings in Acoustics.
- (2010). The Interaction between Prosodic Boundaries and Accent in the Production of Sibilants. In Proc. Speech Prosody.
- (2008). Organization of Complex Onsets and Codas in American English: Evidence for a Competitive Coupling Model. In Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar of Speech Production, Strasbourg (pp. 433-436).
- (2008). Articulatory Timing of Coproduced Gestures and Its Implications for Models of Speech Production. In Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, Strasbourg (pp. 19-22).
- (2007). Cross-Language Differences in Overlap and Assimilation Patterns in Korean and Russian. In Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1361-1364).
- (2007). Articulatory Perspectives on Errors. In State of the Art in Speech Error Research (pp. 115-132).
- (2007). Conditioning Factors in External Sandhi: An EPG Study of English /l/ Vocalisation. In Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (pp. 441-444).
- (2003). The Dynamics of Error. In Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona (pp. 2245-2248).
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